In life there cannot be such distinctions as good and evil. There is no difference between the two, there is only a muted sense of being. This story is old as time itself, and from it has sprung many a legend... but there is only one truth, and that truth must now be brought to light. Chaos had been born to a god and goddess, a love child if any could ever be considered such a thing. United in one, water and darkness, the black winged creature graced the lands of Dominico, so strange and so marvelously gifted that not even the kings and queens of the land could stand to be in her presence. And so, the dark filly was banished, doomed forever to make her home on the distant island to the north.Alone, and conflicted, the maiden began to see herself in two parts, relating both to the darkness within her and the lightness that empowered her. So lost in the two personas was the creature that after many moons had passed, she existed within herself as two individuals, giving into their dark or light natures on whatever whim possessed her. And so, these lands were born -- edged with both shadows of darkness, and hopeful rays of light. Coming here, it is easy to see where one might be swayed by the chaos, but within yourself, you must discover your true nature of being. Will you walk in the light, or stray to the shadows? The choice is yours... ENTER INTO THE LANDS OF CHAOS, IF YOU DARE...
