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Date Posted: 11:32:53 03/29/06 Wed
Author: UMMI
Subject: * * * REMINDER * * *

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact" color="#fc1c2f" size="8">
ENTER EARLY AND SAVE $$$</font></marquee>
<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact" color="#23d0a1" size="8">
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://universalmiss.com/">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v229/ultimatefacesusa/ummiearlybirdbanmarch25.jpg" border="0">
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#fc1c2f" size="7">
Pay your $250 Deposit by
April 1st, receive an extra
$200 OFF FEES!!!!
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#f02d6e" size="5">
Pay your Deposit by May 1st,
receive $100 OFF FEES!!
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#f02d6e" size="4">
click banner to visit our national website
</a></font face></font color></font size><BR>

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact" color="#ff3f0a" size="8">
IT'S GONNA BE A BLAST!</font></marquee>
<font face="Century Gothic" color="#a02100" size="6">
2006 UMMI Grand National Finals</font>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://universalmiss.com/">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v229/ultimatefacesusa/ummicarbanfeb16.jpg" border="0">
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#ff3f0a" size="7">
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#a02100" size="6">
Celebrating 20 years of
Excellence in Pageantry!
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#f0bb00" size="4">
1 ~ Mega Grand Supreme Drives wins a New CAR!
3 ~ Grand Supreme Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins a $3000 Bond
3 ~ Ultimate Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins a $2000 Bond
3 ~ Imperial Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins $2000 Bond

1 ~ Grand Talent wins a $1200 Bond
1 ~ Grand Beauty wins a $1200 Bond
3 ~ Mini Grand Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins a $1000 Bond
1 ~ Supreme Master wins a $1000 Bond*
1 ~ Supreme Baby wins a $1000 Bond*
2 ~ Supreme Talent (2-8) (9& up)
1 ~ Face of the Century, All American ~ Supreme Star ~ Supreme Royal
~ Over All Portfolio ~ Over All Composite ~ Supreme Model
~ Elegant Supreme (Novice)

Cover/Back Cover and Centerfold
14 ~ Divisioanl Beauty Queens/Kings
14 ~ Talent Winners
14 ~ Tropical Beauty Winners
14 ~ Model Winners

Plus so much more!

Prizes Awarded on Stage
Come win one of our Awesome Custom Crowns!
We Offer Something For Everyone!!
Great Gifts for All
Every contestant will receive a Tiara and/or a Special Gift!
Bring the whole family for a fun filled weekend in Fabulous
Las Vegas. There is plenty of activities for everyone. Sam’s
Town offers a 58 Lane Bowling Center, 18 screen Movie Theatre,
Arcade, Free Shuttle to the Strip and downtown Las Vegas,
Food Court plus other eating establishments. Many things for
the parents and grandparents too! Only 5 minutes to the strip

click on banner to visit our website


<marquee behavior="alternate"><b><font size="+4"><font color="F655A7">* * * ATTENTION VENDORS * * *
If you would like to be added to list ~
Email: ummi@jps.net</marquee></b></font size></font color><center

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact"><font size="+5"><font color="B609FF">Make Your Dreams Come True</marquee></b></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+4"><font color="FF53A9">UMMI National Pageant</center></b></font size></font color><center>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.universalmiss.com/"><image border=0 src="http://picturethistshirts.com/Bannerfile/UMMI2006NationalTalentBanner1.jpg"></center></a><center><font face="Impact"><font size="+5"><font color="FF53A9">**Join The UMMI Family**</center></b></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+2"><font color="B609FF">
Offering The Best Talent In All Of Pageantry!!!
</b></font size></font color></font><center><font face="Impact"><font size="+5"><font color="FF53A9">
2006 Grand Finals
June 22nd - 25th
Las Vegas</center></b></font></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:ummi@jps.net">Click Here To Email Today</center></a>

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact" color="#dc6c6a" size="8">
<font face="Century Gothic" color="#202020" size="6">
UMMI Photo Contest * Going on NOW!</font>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://universalmiss.com/">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v229/ultimatefacesusa/umminatpcbanfeb22.jpg" border="0">
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#dc6c6a" size="7">
Win a Free Supreme Package
to the 2006 Grand Finals!
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#202020" size="4">
Supreme Winner per age division receives Supreme Package FREE ($395 value)

Winner per age division receives $200 CASH off 2006 International fees!

Runner ups $100 CASH off 2006 International fees

We will accept entries via email
AGE DIVISIONS: Girls: 0 - 2 * 3 - 4 * 5 - 6 * 7 - 8 * 9 - 10 *
11-12 * 13-15 * 16–19 * 20 & up
Boys: all ages
$55.00 entry fee to enter
$10...00 each for extra photos
or unlimited entries for only $75.00

DEADLINE TO ENTER IS: April 15, 2006
(photos & payment must be received by deadline)

click banner for our website to enter
</a></font face></font color></font size><BR>
<font face="Century Gothic" size="5"><font color="#dc6c6a">
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:ultimatefacesusa@aol.com"></font face>
</font color></font size></a><BR>

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact" color="#2708ac" size="8">
<font face="Century Gothic" color="#7084d0" size="6">
UMMI Is Looking For You!!!</font>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://universalmiss.com/">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v229/ultimatefacesusa/ummiguysbanfeb23.jpg" border="0">
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#2708ac" size="7">
Celebrating 20 years of
Excellence in Pageantry!
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#7084d0" size="4">
1 ~ Mega Grand Supreme Drives wins a New CAR!
3 ~ Grand Supreme Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins a $3000 Bond
3 ~ Ultimate Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins a $2000 Bond
3 ~ Imperial Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins $2000 Bond

1 ~ Grand Talent wins a $1200 Bond
1 ~ Grand Beauty wins a $1200 Bond
3 ~ Mini Grand Supremes (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) wins a $1000 Bond
1 ~ Supreme Master wins a $1000 Bond*
1 ~ Supreme Baby wins a $1000 Bond*
2 ~ Supreme Talent (2-8) (9& up)
1 ~ Face of the Century, All American ~ Supreme Star ~ Supreme Royal
~ Over All Portfolio ~ Over All Composite ~ Supreme Model
~ Elegant Supreme (Novice)

Cover/Back Cover and Centerfold
14 ~ Divisioanl Beauty Queens/Kings
14 ~ Talent Winners
14 ~ Tropical Beauty Winners
14 ~ Model Winners

Plus so much more!

Prizes Awarded on Stage
Come win one of our Awesome Custom Crowns!
We Offer Something For Everyone!!
Great Gifts for All
Every contestant will receive a Tiara and/or a Special Gift!
Bring the whole family for a fun filled weekend in Fabulous
Las Vegas. There is plenty of activities for everyone. Sam’s
Town offers a 58 Lane Bowling Center, 18 screen Movie Theatre,
Arcade, Free Shuttle to the Strip and downtown Las Vegas,
Food Court plus other eating establishments. Many things for
the parents and grandparents too! Only 5 minutes to the strip

click on banner to visit our website
</a></font face></font color></font size><BR>

</b><font face="Impact" size="7"><font color="red"><marquee behavior="alternate">Join Patsy's at UMMI in Las Vegas!!!</marquee></b></font face></font color></font size>
</b><font face="Century Gothic" size="6"><font color="blue">If You're Not in Patsy's, Where Are You?</b></font face></font color></font size>

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.patsysmagazine.com"><image src="http://www.bannersbysharon.com/PatsyApril1adDEADLINEban.jpg" border="0"></a>

</b><font face="Impact" size="7"><font color="blue">Gotta Love Patsy's Magazine!!!</b></font face></font color></font size>

<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="file:///C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\LaGlenda%20Jatala\My%20Documents\2006%20%20JANUARY%20post%20code.doc/http://www.labellefille.com">
<image src="http://www.graphic-matrix.com/images/LBFsmanibanner.gif" width="724" height="224"></a></center>

<b><font size=+2><font color=black><font face="century gothic">
<font size=+4><font color=#cd88b7>Universal Miss & Master</font size></font color>
<font color=>Michigan Open State Pageant</font color>

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.universalmiss.com "><image src="http://www.diamondgrafix.com/banner/UMMImi.jpg" border="0">
Click banner to visit the UMMI website</a><p>

<font size=+3><font color=#cd88b7>UMMI - Michigan Open State</font size></font color>
<font size =+4>April 1st, 2006</font size>
Best Western Hotel - Lansing, Michigan

<font size=+3><font color=#cd88b7>Awarding....</font size></font color>
*Beautiful Crowns*
*Monogrammed Banners*
*Ca$h and Prizes*

<font size =+4>Over 40 Titles Awarded</font size>
Celebrating 20 years of Excellence in Pageantry!

<font size =+1><font color=#cd88b7>Advance on to the 2006 Grand Finals where the
Mega Grand Will Drive Away in a New CAR!</font size></font color>
<font size =+2>June 22-25 in Fabulous Las Vegas</font size>

<font size=+2>Check out our website! www.universalmiss.com </font size>
<font color=#cd88b7>Call or Email us! 530.268.3172 - ummi@jps.net</font color>

Vendors Attending
<font size =+1><font color=#cd88b7>Hair & Makeup</font color>
Melissa & Jennifer - mandjhmt@hotmail.com
Barb Hall – barbhall6191@sbcglobal.net</font size>

<marquee style="color: ; text-decoration: blink" behavior="alternate" width="80%">We can't wait to see you at UMMI</marquee><center>
</b></font color></font size></font face="century gothic">

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Impact"><font size="+4"><font color="142A72">Universal Miss & Master Presents</marquee></b></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+3"><font color="E79F34">2006 Illinois Open State Pageant</center></b></font size></font color><center>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.universalmiss.com/"><image border=0 src="http://picturethistshirts.com/Bannerfile/UMMI2006ILStateBanner1.jpg"></center></a><center><font face="Impact"><font size="+5"><font color="E79F34">**Over 40 Titles Awarded**</center></b></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+2"><font color="142A72">
Celebrating 20 years of
Excellence in Pageantry!

Advance on to the 2006 Grand Finals
where the Mega Grand Will Drive Away in a New CAR!
June 22-25 in Fabulous Las Vegas</center></b></font size></font color></font><center><font face="Impact"><font size="+5"><font color="E79F34">
Call Us Today
530 268 3172</center></b></font></font size></font color>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:ummi@jps.net">Click Here To Email Today</center></a>

<marquee behavior="alternate"><font face="Mistral AV" color="#c42c26" size="8">
Universal Miss and Master International</font></marquee>
<font face="Century Gothic" color="#ff9d19" size="6">
Oklahoma Open Stage Pageant</font>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://universalmiss.com/">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v229/ultimatefacesusa/ummiokstatebanfeb16.jpg" border="0">
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#c42c26" size="7">
April 15th, 2006
Hilton Garden Oklahoma City
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#ff9d19" size="4">
3 ~ Grand Supreme (0-4) (5-10) (11 & up) Ca$h on Stage!
1 ~ Supreme Beauty Ca$h on Stage!
1 ~Supreme Talent Ca$h on Stage!
1 ~ Supreme Model Ca$h on Stage!
</a><br><font face="Impact" color="#780e03" size="6">
</a><br><font face="Century Gothic" color="#ff9d19" size="4">
click on banner to visit our website
</a></font face></font color></font size><BR>

<marquee behavior ="alternate"><font face="Impact"><font size="+4"><font color="2C793B">UMMI Is Headed To Tennessee</marquee></b></font </font></font size></font color><center><font face="Century Gothic"><font size="+2"><font color="CD7D18">2006 Tennessee Mini National Extravaganza</center></b></font></font size></font color><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:ummitn@yahoo.com">
<image border=0 src="http://picturethistshirts.com/Bannerfile/UMMITNMNBanner1.jpg"></center></a><center><font color="CD7D18"><font size="+2"><font face="Century Gothic">
All Ca$H Is Guaranteed...Open To All States</center></b></font></font size></font color><center><font face="Impact"><font size="+10"><font color="2C793B">April 28th - 29th</center></b></font></font size></font color><center><font color="CD7D18"><font size="+2"><font face="Century Gothic">
Registration Friday Evening 6:00pm. - 10:00pm.
Saturday Evening Crowning...13in. Crowns!!!

Vendors List for Hair and Make-up

Sandi Henry and Jo Ann
Teresa Malouky
Powder and Poof
Sunnymist tanning
Carolyn Kiser
Madelynn Noe


Glamour Mist tans
Sunny Mist Tans
Powder and Poof

(vendors please email if you are intereted in attending)
</center></b></font></font size></font color>
<center><font face="Impact"><font size="+3"><font color="2C793B">
For More Information
Call LaGlenda @ 530 268-3172 Or
Khristy @ 865-577-6880 or
</center></b></font></font size></font color>

<center><font color=#098109><b><font size=+20><font face="Juice ITC">*Southeastern UMMI & Universal Faces*</font color=#098109></b></font size=+20></font face="Juice ITC"></font></center><center><font color=#098109><b><font size=+20><font face="Juice ITC">*Mini Nationals*</font color=#098109></b></font size=+20></font face="Juice ITC"></font></center><center><marquee behavior="alternate"><font color=#098109><b><font size=+20><font face="Juice ITC">*Who will win the $$$$$*</font color=#098109></b></font size=+20></font face="Juice ITC"></font></marquee behavior="alternate"></center>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.thebestofuniversal.com"><image src="http://www.gvtc.com/~luv4dogs/SE_UMMI.gif"></a></center>

<center><font color=#098109><b><font size=6><font face="Juice ITC">Southeastern UMMI & Universal Faces Team up for a GRAND Double Event!!
May 26th – 28th
Spartanburg, SC
Radisson Hotel & Suites



sunnymisttanning@yahoo.com or call 864-621-6490<br>Debra hall- H/M - noel28133@yahoo.com<br>Tammy Parker - H/M and Tanning - (803) 646-3066
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.geocities.com/enchantingdivas/HairMakeUP.html<br>Painted">http://www.geocities.com/enchantingdivas/HairMakeUP.html<br>Painted</a> Dolls - Tanning & Nails PaintedDolls@aol.com - 864-384-1228<br>Mykel Baca ~ H/M ~ HottiesByMykel@aol.com<br>Dana Major - H/M and Photo Shoot - PhotosByDana@aol.com ~ www.DanaMajor.com<br> Absolutely Beautiful H/M by Kelly Raby ~ (843)625-9796 or email ambgsouth@yahoo.com

Click banner for more info</A></font color=#098109></b></font size=6></font face="Juice ITC"></font></center>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.geocities.com/bannersbyamy/index.html"><image src="http://www.gvtc.com/~luv4dogs/bannersandglittersgroup.gif"></a></center>

<center><marquee behavior="alternate"><font color=#EC3C7A><b><font size=+20><font face="Bickley Script">*Southeastern Mini National*</font color=#EC3C7A></b></font size=+20></font face="Bickley Script"></font></marquee behavior="alternate"></center>

<center><marquee behavior="alternate"><font color=#EC3C7A><b><font size=+20><font face="Bickley Script">*Photo Contest*</font color=#EC3C7A></b></font size=+20></font face="Bickley Script"></font></marquee behavior="alternate"></center>
<center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.thebestofuniversal.com"><image src="http://www.gvtc.com/~luv4dogs/seummi_photo1.jpg"></a></center>

<center><font color=#EC3C7A><b><font size=+12><font face="Bickley Script">Win Fees Off to Southeastern Mini Nationals; Centerfold photo in program book; Grand Supreme wins $200 Off; Mini Grand wins $150 Off; EVERYONE will receive fees off!!!

Click banner for more info</A></font color=#EC3C7A></b></font size=+12></font face="Bickley Script"></font></center>

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