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Date Posted: 12:19:55 10/24/05 Mon
Subject: New designers LA FASH...

Hi, this is not a bash but I need to tell my story because I feel that it would save people money and time!

I ordered a long skirt from LA fashions. Long white and gave her the measurements and the time I needed it. Simple, right!

2 Days before the pageant I got the long skirt. The seams were crooked, the stitching around the waistline was not straight, but crooked. Around the waistband the chiffon was not stitched correctly so it had gaps of chiffon that puckered up, which I could not hide even with my daughter bodice, it was that noticeale. The hem on the skirt was bad, on the side of the skirt WAS longer than the other. I had fishing line coming out of the hem of the chiffon!

I had to find a seamstress to fix the dress. So my daughter can have it for the pageant.

I did get in touch with DeeDee and she wanted to give me a free bodice made from the same seamstress, and she wanted me to send the skirt, which was already fixed by someone else back to the same seamstess. She did not double check the seamstress work before it was sent to me! And when I tried to describe what I was wrong she did not know what I was talking about when I said that the hems and seams where bad!

ALl I wanted to refund the money that I used to get the alterations only, $50.00. Which I think is fare. She rather give me a free bodice $125. Go figure!

So be careful in dealing with new designers.

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