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Subject: Small filly canters in, shortly followed by a 2 year old colt.

Golden Destiny and Painted Devil.
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Date Posted: 07:33:05 11/03/01 Sat

The filly looks behind her, but suddenly slips, falling over as she looks around.

The colt smirks and rears up over her, landing inches from her. *God sister, yuo are so slow* he smirks.

filly looks up *leave me alone, you have no idea about me so don't have a go at me* she snorts. turning away from him as she begins to walk away.

Colt smirks *go a head, leave, but you won't last 5 seconds out there, the evil horses and horrible beasts will get you before you reach anything* he nickers, then chuckel;s to himslef.

filly stops, looking around, now scared by her brothers jokes.

Name: Golden Destiny
NN: Destiny
Colour: Golden Palomino
Breed: Quarter Horse
Age: 6 months
Height: to make 14.2hh
Gender: Filly
Personality: Very gullable. Can get scred easily but hates her older brother because he always teases her.

Name:Painted Devil
NN: Devil
Colour: Paint
Breed: Quarter horse
Age: 2
Height: to make 15.2hh
Gender: Colt
Personality: Loves to joke about. loves scaring his sister and thinks life is just a game.

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The black mare walks up to the filly.Twilight Cameo22:07:40 11/03/01 Sat

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