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Subject: -+-Stumbles In-+-

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Date Posted: 20:28:19 02/04/02 Mon

-+-A small, raven filly stumbles into Freedom Falls. She stands for a moment, wondering to herself why she was here. She snorts and gazes around wearily. Filly paws softly at the earth, tossing her head. She continues on, her sides heaving softly,ribs clearly visible. She lowers her head and chews boredly on the grass, uninterested. Her ears swivel, taking in anything and everything. She continues grazing nervously,waiting for any sign of danger...-+-
Name- Sadie
Breed- Mustang
Age- 1 year
Color- Black
Gender- Filly
Story- Her mother was alone when she had her, her husband was captured by humans. Sadie's mother died giving birth to her so she was alone her whole life. She knows how to take care of herself and his very independent. She doesn't trust many...more like no one.

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