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Subject: ¤Creeps behind him in the shadows¤

fire spade
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Date Posted: 15:40:42 05/05/02 Sun
In reply to: Apollo 's message, "{. maybe love is possible .}" on 13:58:31 05/05/02 Sun

¤She crept along behind him in the shadows for only her yellow eyes were seen.She was once a beutaful girl but she was cast into this rechid body of a horse.She comes from a far off place where fire rules the land. She roams the lands with nails in her hoofs fire inprinted across her legs, like it was painted on them.Every time she feels love kindness she is forced to run away for the trees and plants will catch on fire or be scortched. She is an all black stallion except for the red orange and yellow that is imprinted onto her legs in a form of fire. It continuse to change shape like fire does, as if her body is burning up. It was a curse that has been bestowed apon her never able to love, never able to live with out causing destruction. It can only be broken if someone would love her for her not for her looks but she does not know this for she never stays in one place at a time. Always running from what chases her or WHO chases her.¤

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[ .glance. ]Casanova08:46:32 06/03/02 Mon

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