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Subject: xjoinerx

§Bracken§ øRannochø
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Date Posted: 12:16:04 06/08/02 Sat

xfawn hued femora moves through grasslands, picking way through realm as softly the Phropecy tis recited to self-

"When the Lore is bruised and Boken

Shattered like a blasted tree

Then shall Herne be justly woken

Born to set the Herla free

On his brow a leaf of oaken

Changeling Child shalt be his fate

Understanding words strange spoken

Chased by anger, fear and hate

He shall flee o'er hill and heather

And shall go where no equine can

Knowing secrets dark to LEra

Til his need shalt summon man

Air and Water, earth and fire,

All shall ease his bitter pain

Till the elements conspire

To restore the Island Chain

First the High Land grass shalt flower

As he quests thorugh wind and snow

Then he breaks and ancient power

And returns to face his woe

When the Lord of Lies upbraid him

Then his wrath shalt cloak the sun

And the Herla's foe shalt aid him

The confront the evil one

Sacrafice shalt be his meaning

He the darkest secret learn

Truths of beast and man revealing

Touching on the heart of Herne

Fawn of moonlight ever after

So shalt all the HErla sing

For his days shalt herald laughter

born a healer and a king

¶same hued colt bounds after dam, undertsanding little yet fullo fpsringtime joy¶

10 seasons
fawn hued

but 6 months
fawn uhued with oaken leaf pon brow

(anyone ever read FireBringer?)

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Subject Author Date
Watches.......Setheus17:36:54 06/14/02 Fri
  • xcautionx -- §Bracken§ ˜Rannoch˜, 04:45:00 06/15/02 Sat
    • Nickers -- Setheus, 06:35:49 06/15/02 Sat

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