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Subject: Fly Away Home|Watch Tyrees Tiger

Hired Hand
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Date Posted: 07:48:26 05/25/02 Sat

He pulls up n a midnight blue chevy Z71, pulling a red, white, and silver featherlite slant load trailer. The man hops out, quickly lowering the rear ramp and opening the head gates. He takes the 2 horses out one at a time, putting them both in their own separate pasture. He makes sure they have water. Then he goes to the bed of the truck. He takes out a red plastic bucket, 1/4 full of oats and grains. Then he takes out a coffee can, filled with sweet feed. He dumps it into the bucket. Next he puts in some grounded up alf-alfa. He mixes it all, the dumps it into a 3ft. long trough, and watches as the horses eat contently. He gives them some prairie hay, even though they didn't need it since there was plenty lush grass. He makes sure they are satisfied and then shuts the gates on the trailer, putting up the ramp. He hops back into the truck, driving it up to the cabins and putting it in a small garage.

(you can reply to this message, and kursty will post soon!)

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Subject Author Date
Whinnies from both.Both horses08:44:07 05/25/02 Sat
Trots up on a bay fillyKursty12:38:18 05/25/02 Sat

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