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Subject: Forum Messages, Lost Replies, Archival

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Date Posted: 21:29:23 06/20/00 Tue

Dear Forum Owners,

Two main problems can exist in some forums:
1. All messages missing, and 2. Missing replies.

Both are the result of corrupt records and we've now completed a semi-intelligent program which reads in all messages and attempts to output a nice clean forum.

Replies may be missing in current forums because the original message is missing -- that is, the replies exist, but the message they were in reply-to is gone. The forum restoration program will try to keep your messages, but because the original message (the start of the thread) is missing, it simply places the replies as if they were the start of a new thread. It's the only way possible to keep the replies.

Now, we've tested restoring a few forums, but wish to leave it up to you guys to handle it after you read this message (so there are no surprises). Please read on...

We've set up a Forum Rebuild option in the Owner Login menu. This option will, first, make a backup of your message database, and then try to perform this restore.

After this is done, please look at your forum to see if your messages are there. If you don't have messages -- perhaps your forum didn't have them in the first place; however, if you think something is fishy and prefer your forum the way it was before [the restore], go back to the Forum Owner menu and select the Restore from Backup option.

The Forum Rebuild is relatively fool-proof, but we provide the option to restore anyway.

There's one last important note. The forum rebuild will put ALL messages into the main index -- that is, all the messages in your archives will be moved back into the main index. Don't fret, though, for a single post will begin the archival process; this takes some time, so expect your first post to sit there for a bit while the system analyses the message database and archives threads.

Since there is a limit on the number of threads archived at a time, expect a few new posts to be required to archive all messages to the normal balance point.

That's about it -- It should all work well, let us know if it doesn't.

VoyForums Staff

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