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Subject: My award winning SMILE

Sharlene "Pebblz" Nakamoto (Mrs. Hawaii)
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Date Posted: 22:43:15 02/03/06 Fri

I would like to say Mahalo to Dr. Curley and staff for all their warmth and hospitality during my visits to Calif. I have never been blessed with such a wonderful gift. I smile with such confidence. I havent felt like this since I was a little girl. My employees (all 73 of them) saw the transistion from the temp to perms. Each time I returned to work after a procedure they were right there examining them. And you know what, I wasnt ashame like before, I just showed it to them with mouth wide open and all. Everyday a guest would come into dine and say what happened to you, you are sooooo happy and smiling from ear to ear, then they notice my teeth. And I have to Thank Dr. Curley and staff for changing my life. Dr. Curley you have touched so many lives, in so many different ways. I am truly greatful to be apart of this wonderful organization. And last put not least the MAC team, you all did such a wonderful job. My teeth are soooo white, smooth and PERFECT. My son Kaimana is soooo overwhelmed by this whole experience, he tells me he wants to be a dentist or work at MAC. What touches me the most is, every time I look in the mirror I see my beautiful teeth and I say to myself, " You are so special, Dr. Curley and MAC did not know you in the beginning and you were the one they chose to change your life forever." I have never felt soooo special and I thank you for all your blessings you have shared with all the Women in the Globe Organization.

Pebblz Nakamoto
Mrs. Hawaii Globe

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[> Subject: I was at Dr. Curley's office and saw your photos. You look fabulous. I can't wait to see more.

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Date Posted: 11:00:54 03/21/06 Tue

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