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Subject: Thank You

Shasta Grimes
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Date Posted: 18:25:03 11/21/05 Mon

What a great way to recognize all the wonderful people that have invested in not only the delegate’s lives but the lives of hurting women all across the globe. I am in awe of the generosity of the dentists, the MAC team and the staff of WIN! You have inspired me to not only give monetarily but to give of the gifts I have to change lives.

I am currently in my temps anxiously awaiting my complete, new SMILE in just a few more weeks. I never thought I could “bond” with people over teeth but here I am waiting to see Dr. Bergman and his wonderful staff again and looking forward to seeing all of them one last time in Boston.

Thank you for this wonderful gift! Thank you Dr. Norm for the vision. Thank you Tracy, Spyro and Monica for the hours you have invested into this for WIN and for us. Thank you MAC for taking on the dream of Tracy and changing lives. And thank you Dr. Bergman for creating a smile that will light up a room and will change my life. I will forever be grateful.

Shasta Grimes
Mrs. Florida 2006

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