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Date Posted: 06:45:34 07/18/07 Wed
Author: Director!
Subject: 2007

Star Ultimate $5000.00 bond?!

Sept 1st, 2nd,Houston, Texas
Check out our web site!
No registration fee!

Spend labor day weekend in Houston, Texas
Three Star Ultimate grands, 0-3 years, 4-9 years, 10-older!
$2000.00 cash guaranteed on stage!

WHO WILL BE THE 0-3, 4-9, and 10-up, and take home all the CASH?!

Vendors, more to come!

Labelle with great staging lights, music, backdrops and more!

Luane with Majestic Creations sashes and bear friends and wardrobe!

Patsys magazine!

LaGlenda with Universal Miss and Faces

Miss Kendall: kendallsqueens@yahoo.com

Miss Vera Clayton: www.claytoncuties.com
Photo shoot, Hair and Makeup, Tanning

Miss Lisa LeBlanc: lblnclisa@aol.com 337-857-0448

Miss Lynelle: lynelle_paulino@msn.com 303-522-8749

Maw Lou: lu-lu2@cox.net

Annette Pompa dizzydes61

Tessa-Renee' coaching Tanning!!

2007-2008 Star Ultimate!
Star Ultimate grand supreme boy or girl will win a large beautiful crown, a custom monogrammed banner, a beautiful robe, $5000.00 savings bond, Guaranteed on stage, plus a national title and bragging rights for a whole year, Your Star Ultimate grand supreme will be the contestant with the highest scores in beauty, outfit of choice and your photogenic or composite score (whichever is the highest) photo or comp.


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