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Subject: ~*To Help An Enemy*~ | |
Author: Firey Ash___A|pha |
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Date Posted: 12:36:51 03/18/06 Sat In reply to: Kumo 's message, "Re: One....." on 14:02:13 03/12/06 Sun The Alpha's mind was swimming in darkness. He felt only cold and saw nothing. Or did he see something? It was becoming clearer. The wolf. A wolf. A leader. A soft and gentle silver male approached Ash. Though darkness still was around them he could make out the familar face. You. Ash sneered. Yes, I. Reedo Fencing sighed. And you. What do you want? I need you. Firey Ash sneezed an improper insult. Same to you. I need your help...will you listen? Reedo questioned, waiting quitely and promptly for the answer. Ash thought about this. The Alpha chuckled and looked around. Not like you're giving me much of a choice, eh? Precisly. Ree smirked. I'll right I'll hear you out then rip you to pieces. his eyebrows were raised cockily. Fair enough. Reedo added slyly. If only they could see how well they played off of each other. Now. said the silver Hawk. ((If anyone wants to know what a Hawk is just OOC me.)) I left for my homeland on the last complete moon. Takito agreed that he would go to the king and tell him of his daughter, Ritz', death. he took a deep breath as Ash sat. What we didn't know is that the king had died as well. Therefore, Devirous took over and of course that's bad. How so? interjected the young Alpha with a bold voice. Well, Ree said quite taken aback for Ash was not a Hawk and therefore knew nothing of Devirous. this wolf is not-so-friendly lets say. He was one of the wolves that started this mess. He was more in control than everyone thought. If you jugded him just in passing you'd say, "Oh what a friendly chap." and half of the castlewolves would say "bulls....well you get it. So basically he's one inch short of a full moon. said Ash. Quite so. And because he took over we were not welcome. He wanted to get rid of all the remaining Hawks. Clever plan in tricking us into believeing in the curse. He tricked the king as well. Takito was taken captive on sight but escaped on his exicution date. You know him, always cutting it close. They both laughed. Anyway, meanwhile, I was in our pack asking about how thing were going. Of course I found out about the kings death and rushed to save Takito. I met Kito in Troven. We rushed back to our city(Razor) and Kito warned the remaining Hawks of the danger. The Castlewolves would attack. And why? Ash asked scratching his leathery black ear violently. Why? Because a commander has returned! I was in high rank. We could finish this forgotten battle. Problem is we have not enough to fight. We retreated and came. he stopped, wheeling around. Ash heard some howling in the distance. Reedo turned to him. Eyes full of compassion. Please! I must go! If you can round up the gang. By this I mean Flash, Wolvy, Ice...anyone you can! If I know you wolves like I do you could fight a whole army yourselves! And that, my friend, was a compliment. Go back to Cascade Mountains and to the evils lair. Find the one who calls himself the Black Raider!! more howls and now yelps in the background. I must leave! He turned and ran a few feet then stopped, peering over his shoulder. Remember...La she oui kae...there's always a little light. He ran into the distance and disappeared into darkness. Ash's head was swimming again. He felt lightheaded but jumped up with a jolt as he regained conciousness. He said Kumo's worried face and Firenze laying on the ground. Firenze!!! he ran to the wise wolf. Reedo needs our help...and I have I feeling I should help him. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: ~*To Help An Enemy*~ | Kumo | 07:28:09 04/01/06 Sat |