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Date Posted: Thu, Jun 08 2006
Author: wildthing
Subject: for scotty

The Crusade Begins!

On Thursday Night Anarchy Wildthing was gunning for the Heavyweight Champion X-Skull. However, Sting apparently had other plans; which set the stage for their confrontation at OWO's flagship show Friday Night Anarchy! With that set X-Skull also had some harsh words for Wildthing at the beginning of the week. With that in mind let's kick it to the booth with the Mustard Man Steve Rupert and Pretty Boy Chris Pachenko.

"Pretty Boy"Pachenko: Hello everyone and welcome back to OWO's daily show and what do you think about Wildthing's big return at Anarchy

"Mustard Man"Rupert: Well, I'll tell ya what Pretty boy, it sure is good to see some old blood back here, but do you think Wildthing's too old?

"Pretty Boy"Pachenko: Well, all I know is Wildthing is supposed to be heading here right now, and we'll see for ourselves if he is too old!
Scene 1: OWO show 4:00 PM Central standard time.
Suddenly Wildthing's music hits and explosions occur all over the arena! Wildthing steps out of the back to a confused reation. The camera dose a closup on the ear to ear grin that's spread across the face of Wildthing. Wildthing walks half way down the ramp and poses while pyros explode in the background. Wildthing walks the rest of the way to the ring slides in a grbs a mic

"The Immortal"Wildthing: No greetings or formalities tonight ladies and gentleman, I'm sorry. But I have a lot of buisness to take care of. Before I get into what X-Skull said about me I need to adress my match.

Sting, he's been absent all week I haven't heard a thing from him. And that's fine, I don't have to deal with anything he has to say for right now. But I am here to make a statement. OWO is a different monster these days. I know it, don't think I don't anyone. It's new and fresh and exciting and cutting edge. But it's also a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.

I walk around in that dressing room and all I see are strangers. I don't know anyone back there and that isn't what is bad. But what's worse is no one seems to know who the hell I am. No one knows me, Wilthing, one of the most decorated superstars in OWO history. The man who has changed sides on this good vs. evil we call wrestling more times than anyone. One of the most cunning men ever to come to this company. A former three time OWO champion, former intercontinental and I have won the tag team titles more times than I can count. All of that legacy, all of that glory. And I get treated like the fucking rookie around here!

OWO may have new records, OWO may have new title belts, OWO may have a new start but it has the same godamned roots and no one can take that away from OWO. Ladies and gentlemen I am going to bring OWO back to it's roots. I am going to remind everyone of my legacy. When I was gone from here, after I had nothing left, I always had the thought still in my mind "At least I still have my legacy" and then I tuned into OWO Anarchy one night and it's not even recognizable. It's not anything what OWO should be and then I log onto OWO.com and see new records, belts, management, roster. Everything that used to mean OWO gone! And in is this new fresh bubblegum pop wrestling. In comes everyone trying to make a name for themselves trying to take the richest prize in the game. Everyone is title obsessed in this godforsaken wrestling organization!

I stand before you tonight, and I look at this place and I want to vomit. Because this is OWO where Outlaws are born, but more importantly where Outlaws thrive! And this place is still called OWO and everyone still calls themselves Outlaws, but no one lives like an Outlaw. This place is a lie. And I am here to change that! I am here to return OWO to it's roots.

And it starts this friday. You see, because I when I was away, I tuned in to see none other than Sting leading the charg of superstars in the OWO. I saw Sting taking the leadership roll in OWO. And you all may be wondering, "But Wildthing, Sting is from the old OWO, that means Sting lives the Outlaw lifestyle." And my reply to you would be no, no he doesn't. Because Stinger was at the helms of the New OWO the and he seems to think he calls the shots. When I came in to take out the real head hancho here it was Sting who came in here and said "wait a second, you have to wait in line!" Well, I say FUCK LINES and Fuck you too Stinger. Outlaws don't wait in line, Outlaws take charge and this friday I am going to take charge of this company and whip your sorry ass vintage Wildthing style. This friday marks the beginning of the end for this new OWO this friday I begin to lead the crusade on the real enemy, X-Skull. And Stinger this friday you're going to be reintroduced to me. Stinger, I don't make good first impressions and my second impressions are worse. Ladies and gentleman, this friday the Crusade to bring OWO back to its roots!


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