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Subject: Re: **Smirks**

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Date Posted: 15:00:45 08/16/01 Thu
In reply to: CelestialDiamond 's message, "**Smirks**" on 13:42:58 08/16/01 Thu

OOC: You didn't understand what i was saying. IceStorm never said her name to DelestialDiamond, how could CelesitlaDiamond know her name. Please don't tell me all your problems because I don't really care. I have enough problems (Such as having a teacher that will suspend me for so much as talking for next year and myabe as my homeroom teacher, alogn with three of my best friends going to another school). And you can't argue with what your parents did. I think some guys are cute that I don't know and I don't jump to the comclusion of even going out with them. Did you ever think they just say that, too/ Love at First Sight doesn't happen. Love builds and Darsilla and CD said it was love when they don't even know the colour of the wolf's fur, not to mention his name. They enver gave it to them... And it doesn't surprise me that your characters go for the alpha males. Oh, and FYI I RP Angelus at Swift Wolves, along with Faith and Volcano, along with Dark Angel, Whitelightning and planty others.

IceStorm glared at CelestialDiamond, curling her lip once again to growl at her, then looked around the territory, trotting over to Kazan to get away from CelestialDiamond. She sat down by the kill, her tail wagging slowly, nonchalantly from side to side.

OOC: Windsong, me and my best friend are making an Eeyore site! hehe, so far it's just the intro page, the main page and a lot of pictures! hehe, but could you go check it out? http://www.geocities.com/ivvmad/intro.html

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