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Date Posted: 08:06:22 12/12/05 Mon
Author: Jeff Abbott
Subject: Re: What are you doing now?
In reply to: Melanie 's message, "What are you doing now?" on 06:35:23 12/12/05 Mon

I currently live near Fort Myers, FL with my wife. We love the ocean, the sand, and sun. We are avid kayakers, fisherman, snorkelers/divers and boaters. We are currently learning how to sail. Also, we have participated in the southern Florida exercise program, put the storm shutters up, take the shutters down, put the shutters up, take the shutters down. :-D

On the occupation side, I am still at IBM doing enterprise application integration for their innovation team (using open source, reuse products, lots of proof of concepts). These are done both internally and to external customers. Also, my wife and I own or partner with several small businesses. We own an event based floral business, partner in a high end audio retail web site, partner with a small business internet marketing consultancy, partner with real estate/appraisal software firm, and own several rental properties.

Currently we legally "reside" in Florida, but travel several times a year for business and pleasure to see family, friends, and business partners in South West Ohio, the Atlantic North East(NY, NJ, VT, and ME), San Diego and Los Angeles California, and then to the FL Keys. I plan to retire to Big Pine Key by the time I am 40.

We are building a house on one of the barrier islands here on the gulf coast, and should be completed by the end of next year (this area is booming, so it takes 18-24 months to build a home). I am a "work at home" employee for IBM, so moving to FL was quite easy from that stand point (we do miss our friends). We moved 3 months after I completed my MBA from Xavier in 2003. I pulled that "part-time" in 18 months while working full time. I am proud of that feat.

Future plans are to have children, and to live on a boat for a year. Also, we are considering buying a place to stay in Ohio when we come to visit, possibly an older commercial property that could be converted in part to living space (looking in Northern KY, Covington area, anyone have some ideas please contact me). Also planning to go to University of Miami for a Law Degree in the next 5 years (I graduated from Miami University, so that would be cool go from MU to U of M). Problem is, we hate Miami traffic, so this might be a "fart in the skillet." Lastly, we want to get a small place in Big Pine Key for our retirement home. And I hope this will be done before I am 40. :-D

So… What is everyone else up too? I still keep in contact with Hooter and Jon von Trotha from our class, and saw Jason Minges once at the gas station when I was in town.

Cheers, tears, and beers,

Jeff Abbott

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  • Re: What are you doing now? -- Louis Herzner, 16:34:26 01/13/06 Fri
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