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Date Posted: 08:12:41 03/22/06 Wed
Author: Cryssy


Dear Classmate/Teacher/Parent of KHS Class of 1986:

DINNER CRUISE: The deadline for the Dinner Cruise deposit has come and gone, twice. The deposit was only $15.00 per person. Now we are close enough to the departure date, we will need your payment in full: $60.50 per person, children $31.00. If you have any questions about Beamers Hells Canyon Tours, I have brochures and a video. I have also taken the dinner cruise myself on a reunion test-run. It was excellent. You can email or call me if you have questions or if you want a brochure or borrow the video. Thank you to those few of you that have already responded promptly!

KENDRICK DAY/SUNDAY PIZZA: We don’t have a price for the Saturday activities yet. WE NEED A HEAD COUNT. Once we know how many will be there, we can figure a cost for food, etc. Sunday Brunch at the Pizza Bank will be on-your-own/pay-as-you-go. BUT, we do need a HEADCOUNT for Zana so she can be prepared for us. SEND IN YOUR RSVP’s ASAP!!! :-)

DOOR PRIZES: We will be giving out door prizes if we can get some donated. If you own a business, and you have something you can bring, it would be greatly appreciated. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Or if you work for someone else and can get them to donate something, that would be great too. If you are one of the few not coming to the reunion for some lame reason, you are more than welcome to send a door prize anyway, and credit will be given where it’s due. :-) It doesn’t have to be something from your job. If you are one of those irritating crafty people that makes things, go for it! The earlier we can get these lined up, the better. We would like to have some strategery when doing the drawings.

MEMORY BOOK: Robert still has gotten only a few back. PLEASE get them to him ASAP.

Thank you for your time & consideration! Please contact me with any concerns, suggestions, questions, etc. The sooner the better. Or if you just want to chat!


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