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Date Posted: 16:08:04 05/31/06 Wed
Author: Pissy Cryssy
Subject: Update #4!!!!


Dear Classmate/Teacher/Parent of KHS Class of 1986:

I can not stress enough how important it is that you respond to this letter. We have room on the DINNER CRUISE for 6 more people. We really need to fill those slots, or we will have to share our boat with interlopers! And we can’t have that!! I’ve heard rumors that some people don’t want to come to the reunion, or they don’t want to ride on a boat, and any number of other things. I don’t know about you, but I had a great time in high school. I DO want to see all of you. I guess I’m just sappy, but I do miss all of you. The dinner cruise is the perfect opportunity to do something fun that the L-C Valley offers. The boat pilots and the boats themselves are Coast Guard certified for skill and safety. I’ve never heard of any problems with any of those boats. They are big, roomy boats, and even have a bathroom on board. Besides all that, the FOOD is most excellent! :-d I need the $61.50 per person as soon as possible. Kids are welcome also; I’m bringing mine.

If you are going to come to one or both of the events on Saturday and Sunday, we need to know as soon as possible. The cooks and other help need the head-counts to make sure there is enough food to go around.

Some may not realize, but all events are open to all Classmates, Teachers, & Parents. If any of you Teachers & Parents would like to come on the Dinner Cruise, you are more than welcome! The more the merrier!!!

PLEASE get Robert your information for the memory book. ESPECIALLY if you are not coming to the reunion. Photos would be great too. You can email him if you don’t have your form anymore at robjon18@yahoo.com. This is for Teachers & Parents too!

Thank you for your time & consideration! Please contact me with any concerns, suggestions, questions, etc. The sooner the better. Or if you just want to chat! I have unlimited incoming call minutes. :-)

Crystal Longfellow Crawford

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