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Date Posted: 13:48:05 01/11/06 Wed
Author: Crystal
Subject: "Minutes" of our meeting 11/03/05 - INPUT PLEASE

Date approximate, fuzzy mammaries, you know.

Us "locals" had a little get together over the weekend to try to start some concrete planning. I'll outline what we came up with. If you have questions, comments, scheduling conflicts, we need to know ASAP. There is no way possible to resolve all scheduling conflicts, even for our small class. But, hopefully, with 8 months notice, we can all be there. With bells on!!! :-)

We have tentatively decided on these dates:
June 30th - July 2nd, 2006 (Fri - Sun) or
July 1st - July 3rd, 2006 (Sat - Mon)
We thought a holiday weekend might work best, and give people more time to travel to/from the reunion. It may be hard to get airplane tickets (speaking as a former travel agent) over holidays, so start planning now!

1st day: People will be arriving from out of town. In the evening we will do a dinner cruise up the Snake River. It is a VERY nice trip. I did one this summer, mostly to see if it would work for us as a reunion activity. I thought it was pretty cool! If that counts for anything! It's about 1 1/2 hours up, get off the boat, eat prime rib and/or salmon/steelhead, then take the boat back. Lots of interesting info during the trip. It will run $50-55 per person.

2nd day: Lunch at KHS with Mrs. Parsley, Grandma Helen (Fey) Heidenreich, and Mrs. Thornton cooking - just like when we were in school!!! Remember, the students at KHS actually LIKED their school lunches! We have an "in" on the school board that makes all this possible. We also discussed taking a school bus out for a spin with Judy Foster driving, but that was never really yayed or nayed. I don't know what else everyone wants to do in the afternoon/evening. We could meet at the KHS Park, maybe reserve the pool for an evening swim party with the kids and all. Catching what I'm throwing?

3rd Day: Thought we'd have a "Sunday Brunch" at 9 or 10 am. That will give people leaving town the chance to leave at a decent time. Those that want to stay longer can and maybe we'll plan something to do.

We also decided to invite some teachers and any former classmates that didn't actually graduate at KHS. If you have contact info for anyone that went to school with us, but moved before graduating with us, please forward this info on to them, or have them signup on Classmates under KHS or Juliaetta Elementary.

If you want to do something specific that wasn't mentioned here, by all means let me know. You can contact me at my email address: azmaraldabh at yahoo dot com.
I hate spam! :-)

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