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Date Posted: Wed, Jan 04 2006, 16:46:29
Author: Valhalla
Subject: First Post: Welcome

Hey everybody!

This forum came out of the exciting Great Minds Converge: Battlestar Galactica lunches. I hope folks will have fun with it.

I didn't get a chance to write down ALL the predictions for Season 2.1, and I want to give folks a chance to post their own stuff. But here are some topics that came up:

Admiral Cain - Is she a Cylon? Will she die? How will she die? If she doesn't die, who will rein her in, and how?

Could GinaSix be faking her psychological trauma? To gain back some of the General Six' control over Gaius?

What will Sharon's baby be, and will it live?

What did the Cylon doctor remove from Starbuck?

What are the Biblical parallels? The original series had several that are also used as a basis for the new series, but they've also gone before the originals.

1) Twelves: the Twelve Colonies, twelve Cylon models, Twelve Tribes of Israel.

2) Forty Years: Cylons spent 40 years incommunicado in space, reached the promised land and destroyed those already there. Moses and co. spent 40 years in the desert, finally reached the promised land, and did the same.

3) A question - who's Moses? Do we have one for each side? The President for humans, and who for the Cylons?

And of course, the torture debate: Do the ethical prohibitions against torture apply to Cylons? What if Gina's faking her psych trauma? Do ethical considerations apply in time of war? How much war is enough? How does the Pegasus' Interrogation Squad's actions against Gina and Sharon compare to Starbuck's against Leobon?


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