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Date Posted: 17:38:54 02/01/06 Wed
Author: Tracy Kinloch
Subject: Kimmi's Tribute


I want to take a moment to thank everyone for coming to Kimmi's tribute last night. I want to especially thank Casey Collins and William Simpson for your help and support in such a very difficult time. I could not have done any of this without you. Both of you are such a blessing to me and I will never be able to repay your kindness.

YES!!! It is true...there will be a boat named after Kimmi and forever be floating through Pirates. I will keep everyone posted on when the dedication will be so as many can join us as possible. This was made possible by the diligence of Mike Sparks, Kim Sims and all the Adventureland/NOCC Managers. I cannnot tell all of you how hard of a secret this was to keep these last 2 weeks. Kimmi will be forever remembered!!!! I wonder how she would feel to know she would become a part of Disney history and trivia forever!!!!???

I will ensure that everyone on the guest list will get a copy of Kimmi's tribute video. If there is anyone who forgot to sign the guestbook or anyone who was not able to attend who would like a copy, just e-mail me with your address and I will ensure you get one.

Once again, thank you to everyone. It was very clear last night that each and everyone of us touched and was touched by Kimmi.

Elain and Matt...she loved you most!!!!!


Tracy Kinloch

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