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Date Posted: 02:49:36 02/07/06 Tue
Author: Jesse Banda
Subject: Kimmi, Glen, and the Evac

One day as the closing Lead on Jungle I hear the call over the radio for assitance on a Pirates evac. Things were slow, we had just pulled boats off, so I grabbed a couple of new CM's and we headed to Pirates. We walk to load and there is Glen Shriver (bless his heart) talking to some Guests still sitting in the boat. They don't understand why they can't stay and he's trying to explain what the downtime is about. From the tower all you hear is, "Get them outta the damn boat," over and over. In my head, "Ahh Kimmi."

The Guests leave and Glen begins walking to the tower. I don't want to miss this, so I have my newbies follow me. Glen tries to reason with her about what he was doing and to watch her language. "Can you shut it for two minutes while I fix this ride?" He leaves and I walk in trying not to laugh. I ask her where she wants us to go, she glances over at me with the kids, "I don't care, just take the asshole with you." For new CM's to meet her they either laugh or are in shock. When they asked if they might fire her for that I said no. "What? How?" My answer, "Because she's Kimmi and she's right."

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