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Date Posted: 16:53:24 01/12/06 Thu
Author: Tally Briggs
Subject: adding on....

now that I am getting over the initial shock.......

I'll never forget....

....The time when Sue, Elaine, Kimmie, and I all went on a LOVE BOAT CRUISE to the Caribbean. Kimmie was my cabin mate. The first day at sea, Miss I-DON'T-NEED-NO-STINKING-SUNSCREEN laid out on deck for FOUR HOURS in the middle of the ocean as the the rest of us begged her to put some sunscreen on. There we were, cocktails in hand..... that evening she was at dinner in a pink dress that was the same color as her skin. The next day she was swollen to the size of an elephant and running a fever due to her I-NEVER-BURN sunburn. By the time we got back for our post cruise stay in San Juan she was PEELING IN SHEETS! Hilarious! How we laughed!!

....Going to her father's funeral, and how great it made her feel that we were there.

..... how she saved every penny and paid cash for her car.

....Kimmie ALWAYS being right about every single man I dated. ALWAYS. She could nail someone's character within 30 seconds of meeting them.

....The day when she was out on Pirates crowd control on the small planter (back before Eisner - which shall heretofore be known as B.E.) and I was on tickets. She drew my attention to three über-hunks, which ended up flirting with me when I got up to Load. They got off the ride when I was at unload, and asked when I got off work. That night was Lisa Presley-Henka's bridal shower at El Torito, so I invited them. THEY SHOWED! Three soccer playing Canadian HOTTIES at a bridal shower. When the mothers got up to go to the restroom, the guys STOOD UP mid-sentence without even thinking (manners people) and Kimmie kicked me SO HARD under the table! That impressed the hell out of her!!! She came over and whispered in my ear- "If you don't go for one of them, I'll beat you senseless."

.....The day Lisa (then Presley) came in to work Pirates as forman after going to a Sunday brunch. Lisa was feeling REALLY GOOD, and kept jumping on the bow of the (5-row) boats when as they were coming up to front load and riding the boat into position as she told eveyone in her hyper-chipper sunny way to "step out this way please." Kimmie was in the Tower, and I was on rear load. I'll never forget Kimmie's face every time Lisa did it. First it was sheer disbelief, then howling laughter, all the while saying loud enough for us to hear - "LISA YOU'RE GONNA KILL YOURSELF!!!" Hilarious!

There's just sooo many memories... all great ones!

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