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Date Posted: 15:53:21 08/29/07 Wed
Author: LeighAnn Bollschweiler-Taylor aka Porkchop
Subject: I miss her so much!

I knew Kimmi for the last 13 years of her life, and it still wasn't enough time. I would come home every day n tell my husband some new 'Kimmi tale' to which he would laugh for hours. He said he felt like HE lost a friend, even though they had only met a few times, just because of how much I talked about her.

Thanks to Tracy K for all your hard work of the Memorial at Speg. We all loved it.

So many memories -
-The time she took two teenage boys back to the ballroom to clean off spit wads they had done (and yelled at them the whole time).
-Pushing in station stops at front unload when I was in the tower at Pirates n not dispatching fast enough (i know i'm not the only one she did that to!)
-only smoking half the binkie cuz the second half was 'yucky' - and me telling her the whole thing was yucky!
-vacuuming the NOCC office when she was so mad that she couldn't even talk (this happened multiple times w/grumbling)
-taking me on a walk through/ ride through and pointing out whatever SHE thought was important n to F%$^ anything else that she didn't feel was important enough.
-having conversations with Kimmi about anything - religion, my uterus, stupid guests, etc.
-Kimmi always saying the worst and Sandi Miller telling her it wasn't that bad or to cheer up (Talk about yin n yang!)
-'Look at what I got (more like stole) from the Entertainment Room' (some product of some sort of another)
-standing up for me - i may not have been the smartest, but i got to a point where she respected me and she knew that I knew how to do my job( and fast too)

Too many to count -
Love you Kimmi
Help St. Paul keep them in line, and move fast through the golden gates!

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