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Date Posted: 15:09:56 06/18/10 Fri
Author: Francisco Alanis (:-()
Subject: Re: Our Kimmi
In reply to: Matt Holding 's message, "Our Kimmi" on 07:29:36 01/13/06 Fri

>Oh Kimmi, how special you were to us all! We loved
>you like a sister! I guess I loved you like a niece
>because you always called me Uncle Matt eventhough I
>was 20 years younger! The Kimmi stories are all
>notorious, no one can ever take her place. I have so
>many stories where to start.
>Well one of my favorites has to be about a year and a
>half ago. I had applied for Area Manager, and Kimmi
>really was pulling for me, and having her approval was
>like having Gods! I came in one morning and on my
>desk was a card and inside it read "Congratulation
>Uncle Matt on all your success"! I cried, I went to
>Kimmi and said " I didn't make it" and she said,
>"SHIT"! Just knowing she felt I deserved it meant the
>world to me.
>Every day at Roll call, I would sit in her normal soft
>chair and get the most god awful folding plastic chair
>and set it next to me and say this is your seat today
>and that her wig was on crooked. She would just flip
>me off and mutter ASSHOLE. Later in the day she would
>write a statement and put it on Kim Sims desk..it read
>"Please do something about Matt Holding" I would walk
>in the tower and she would just smirk and say "you're
>gonna get in trouble"
>I want to share with you all a very special moment.
>It was just three weeks ago on Xmas eve, Kimmi had
>wanted to get together and have dinner with Kim Sims
>and myself, so Kim Sims and her mom hosted us at their
>home for dinner on Xmas eve. Kimmi called me the week
>before and said are you sure Kim will be ok " I can't
>walk and I am in a wheelchair" I told her not to be
>silly. Well When I arrived Kimmi was already there.
>Those were the most precious four hours of my life.
>Sharing stories, being called an Asshole at least six
>times, and just seeing her so happy even though she
>was struggling and in pain. The pain was excrutiating
>the last hour, I will never forget holding her hand so
>she could just squeeze. I gave her a big hug and a
>kiss before she was put into the van. Just being able
>to spend her last xmas with her was so wondeful.
>Thanks to Kim Sims and Pam, she got what she wanted.
>Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and she drank
>coffee like it was water. I loved her so much, like
>all of you. This is not the end but just the
>beginning for her. She is going to give God a run for
>his money now. Go gettem Kimmi. We love you!
>Uncle Matt

Matt, you just made me cry big time.

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