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Date Posted: 18:26:17 01/13/06 Fri
Author: Tracy Kinloch
Subject: Kimmi and myself

As most of you know, Kimmi was my BEST friend. She taught me courage, to speak my mind, and to never let anyone walk all over me.

Since everyone is shareing their stories, I want each and everyone of my Disneyland family to know how much your visits to Kimmi meant to her. She loved everyone so much. When her Disneyland family came to see her during her last moments she perked up and knew your love and well wishes were with her.

My favorite story of Kimmi (which I know some of you have already heard) was a time on the shuttle. I got onto the shuttle at the last stop. There were no more seats left with the exception of one Cast Member who was sitting on the outside with his backpack on the seat next to him. Kimmi was sitting behind him. Me being me did not say anthing and just figured I would stand. Kimmi and I said hello and I stood next to her seat. She begin to blurt in a very loud tone, "You could probably sit down if this &**&%$$ would move his stuff and slide over." I ignored what Kimmi had said and continued to stand. She again repeated her verbage and the Cast Member moved his backpack and let me sit down. The rest of the shuttle ride she continued to call this Cast Member colorful metophores loud and clear. I quietly said to her to be quiet because I am now sitting next to this rude Cast Member. She exclaimed "I hate people like him", and continued to call this Cast Member an &^%$#@. Believe me, this person (whoever he is) will never put his backpack on an empty seat again on the shuttle. He will hold his backback (let alone other parts of his anatomy) on his lap.

I will miss this woman more than I can exclaim. She was my sister and my best friend and also the strongest, most couragous woman I have ever known.

I love you Kimmi!!! I will never let your memory fade. You are my HERO!!!

As far as memorial plans, we are hoping for January 29th or 30th at one of the Disneyland Hotels. I promise the word will be out in droves and I hope the entire Resort will attend.

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