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Date Posted: 00:47:03 01/14/06 Sat
Author: Gina Kingman
Subject: for better or for worse

Kimmie was the first castmember I met at pirates, in fact, she was my trainer. I must admit, she scared the crap out of me then. We spent the firts ten minutes of the day in the basement of the old admin. building, where the training center was at the time, while Kimmi cursed and threw her empty binder accross the room."Goddammit! How the hell do they expect me to train these people if they dont make me a binder!I HAVE TO GO! We have to go!"
The fear subsided a few days later when she told me not to use the broom for sweeping because it was Elaine's only ride home.
I realize now that it was her honnesty that made her stand out, for better or for worse. Before she got sick again, a cast member complained to me that she was mean because she had hit him upside the head with her clip board and called him stupid.I told him to considder himself lucky.
We are not the same without her. I wonder if the ride wont implode!But one thing is for shure: we will be finding flags, protowels, and other suplies stuffed into odd places for years to come.

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