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Date Posted: 02:08:49 01/14/06 Sat
Author: Karen Bradshaw
Subject: "I can't do this anymore!" and other Kimmi-isms

After reading many of these messages, it's hard not to cry and laugh at the same time......and even though I hadn't worked with Kimmi since '92, it seems like only last week when she would do the 'final Jeopardy' song from Pirates' unload dock, always smacking her gum, giving the 'green light' while people were still getting in the boat,...or on Mansion (the 'Big House' she would say), where she would put her dress on backwards...or those rare days I worked in the office doing schedules with her. "I hate him/her, Karen" she would say, really no matter who it was that dare enter the office, but she never meant it. And common was the phrase, "I have to go now!" throughout the day, no matter WHERE we were working. Once on Pirates' load, she walked over to Mrs. Eisner sitting in the boat, with her hands on both sides of her head, saying in octave 9+, "I've got the BIGGEST headache!" to which Mrs. Eisner offered asprin, Kimmi just said, "that's okay, I'll be alright." We all wish you were........

I tried to remember all these stories and more when I saw her for the last time, and tried to imagine what she wanted to say when all she could do was react to my presence, which told me she recognized me, and I'm sure she wanted to reinterate all the meantioned stories above.

Kimmi, even though you will never have to do this anymore, we will ALL miss you dearly......sweet dreams.

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