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Date Posted: 18:32:38 01/14/06 Sat
Author: Matt Holding
Subject: More Kimmi

Hey how about when she told Kim Sims that Elaine had crabs in her pants and the crabs on crab island belonged to her!I even took a picture of a real crab in Hawaii and she placed the picture in the tower and wrote on it "Elaine's Crab"! She also used to write statements against me and place them on Kims desk saying "Please talk to Matt Holding" and she would yell at me from the tower "you're gonna get in trouble"!

Oh yes and how about when a Guest found a putty knife at Tarzan's treehouse and he brought it to Kimmi and I said "Kimmi haven't you been looking for this? Don't you put your makeup on with it every morning?" She howled and said it was Elaine's! Hey the streaks in the hair was great because she came in and went and told Kim Sim's she would fix it and had already given herself a verbal. I laughed my ass off! She looked like a cross between a zebra and strawberry shortcake!
Who can ever forget when Kimmi would come to roll call and I would sit in her chair by the door and then place a nasty old plastic fold out chair for her to sit in. I cannot count how many times she would come in and just flip me off and mutter ASSHOLE!

How about me taking the "I'm a little teapot photos that we posted on all the desktops in NOCC!!! Now that was classic! And the best photo was when Eric Hada caught her stealing creamer from the Veranda..Oh I about pissed my pants with that photo. Eric Hada and I carrying around photos of her in our lanyards. He still does, mine got ruined in the Hong KOng Moisture!

Just before I left for Hong Kong, she did two of the greatest!

I was River 1 and she called me over for a Guest concern at Pirates! I came over like a bat out of hell to rescue my Kimmi. God forbid I took my time she would just give me hell! So I approached a group of Guests and after a few minutes of telling them how they Jeopardized their safety they came clean that the old blonde lady had set them up! I about died! She was in the tower just cackling and I was so embarassed! She got me good and she knew it.

The next we had been trying to prove once again that Pirates could hit great numbers. She was at Group for several hours and I was at Stager on the load side. We hit a 3093 hour. She looked at me with a smirk and said " HAPPY NOW" and turned back around to group somemore. I was so proud of her. What an example she set that day. What a powerful statement that was! I will always remember that moment, and how easy she made it look!

I have so many stories I just can't count. It was ten years ago that I met Kimmi at Pirates and worked with her at Haunted Mansion. We had Binkies on the Foyer before park opening and I just thought she was the coolest thing. Ten years of memories cannot be placed here, but we can sure try!

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