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Date Posted: 10:38:01 01/16/06 Mon
Author: Kristin Elliott
Subject: Ah, That Kimmie!

I just found out last night about Kimmie and my heart just sank. Love her or fear her, you had no choice but to respect her. Now I miss her.
There are two very special Kimmie memories that come to mind for me.
The first one is from early on in my career here. I had just walked into scheduling and Kimmie was taking a call sick with her usuall, um, grace. All I heard was, "Fine, call in sick!" Then as she slammed down the receiver, "Shit! I didn't get his name."
The most recent of my Kimmie memories came a couple of years ago, after I transfered to Entertainment. I was backstage behind Pirates and bumped into her while she was taking a break. She started out by yelling "How come I never see you anymore?" After that we just sat down and chatted. It was the first time we had ever done that and we had to have talked for almost 45 minutes. Of course we talked about work stuff, my new job and the cancer but after a while she asked for my opinion on a personal matter. Apparently, Anthony Hopkins had been on Pirates recently and had made eye contact with her. She had felt a big spark when she looked into his eyes and wasn't sure if she should try to contact him to see if he remembered her. It was amazing to see her so giddy and so perplexed about a man, even a touch vulnerable. Ultimately, I felt honored that she trusted me to share this side of her.
The biggest honor is to be able to say that I was blessed enough to know her.

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