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Date Posted: 16:26:14 01/16/06 Mon
Author: Tally Briggs
Subject: Remember "STEP ON THE BREAK!" ???

Back long ago, B.E., in the time of 5-row boats.....

On unload Kimmi was the best at a certain game called STEP ON THE BREAK... I can't remember, but she may have invented it!

Stand on rear unload.
As the front boat passes you, lean down and tell the person in the front seat on the far right, "Excuse me, you need to step on the break.."
Then when they are passing you and looking at you like you have just spoken Swahili, you point to the bottom of the floor of the boat and say louder, and more urgently as you start running with the boat along unload and they get alarmed that they didn't stop at the first load position and are in fear of another 15 minutes of the same ride...., "Step on the BREAK! THE BREAK! STEP ON THE BREAK!!!!" They sart stomping the bottom of the boat, even sometimes diving on the floor trying to find the non-existant break pedal with their hands......Then the boat stops at front load, and they realize they just fell for something so incredibly ludicrous.

Kimmi was THE BEST at this, even thanking them for doing such a good job with a straight face as they went laughing towards the exit.

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