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Date Posted: 17:49:18 01/16/06 Mon
Author: Jim Dunbar
Subject: Kimmie Horsewoman


Kimmie talked little of her other life.

She kept Richard,aka Big Dick, here for the last 10+ years and was never without something to say.
Binkies abound and StarBucks and breakfast on Sat mornings at 10:30. Most of us horse people are ready for lunch at 10:30 but Kimmie needed all morning to pamper Richard, bath,
brush, trim,check out his Johnson and make up a treat of carrots or something special.
I never met anyone who rode in her car. She would park her car on the street and would walk down into the ranch yelling BUBBA at the top of her lungs.
Richard couldn't see her but you know he heard her. He would lean against the fence closest to her voice and wait.
Richard was a Legend in the horse world both in and out of the ring. He was a National Champion 7 times (I think) and top ten many more times. This is a fete unkown in our industry.
I never met her dog and she promised me I was better off.
She did tell me of Anthony Hopkins and Michael Jackson and did mention Eisner and we would laugh whenever USC was beaten.
Her horse friends will miss her and we all love her.
Goodby Kimmie we will take care of Richard until he is ready to join you.

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