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Date Posted: 14:27:03 03/14/01 Wed
Author: Tara
Subject: A girl named Tara comes rushing in with a medical bag
In reply to: Rocky Road 's message, "He looks up at her" on 13:29:48 03/14/01 Wed

She puts the bag down next to rocky road and starts to feel one of his legs then the other. She looks up and sees jess

"Oh hi, we havn't beed introduced, my name is Tara. I am fresh out of eqine medical collage. I saw you rush in at Melody Medows... I thought i should help." She cheeks out his last two legs "a mussel in his uper left back leg is pulled"

She cheeks his gums which are pale and a little sticky "dehidrated"

After she is done cheeking out more things and treating them she stands up. "I wraped his back leg, put ice on it every afternoon for a couple days till the swelling gose down. I gave him a pain killer shot which is also used as an anidepresent. He can't lay down like this for to long so i am going to put him in a sling" She puts his feet trou the sling and buckles all the staps. Finally she hooks up the sling to the ceiling and with jess's help, she pulls on a pully to lift up rocky road to his feet.

"He can walk any were he wants in the sling in his stall, but if he wants to lay down he might just pick up his feet and hang in the sling. See, there is a big vein on horses stomachs, if they lay on it to long, they could die, pluse we want to have him stetch his legs and beable to see everything and eat out of his bucket and hay net. Most of his symtomes are just a little cold which will leave in a few days, anything more seriose will show up in these blood samples i took. I'll be back with the results by tomarrow. oh, by the way this is totally free. I know what your going throu and i don't want to upset you more with hight bills."

she waves goodbye and leaves in her green pick up

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  • seb frowns -- seb, 15:12:13 03/14/01 Wed
  • Oh my -- Tara, 16:05:12 03/14/01 Wed
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