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Subject: Re: snippets from the hard copy universal reconciliation library of Rodger Tutt

Rodger Tutt (focused)
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Date Posted: 05:48:35 09/09/14 Tue

(recently published and can be downloaded FREE, and read online)

”Tradition has taught that God will not save a person against their will. I agree. However He has the power to orchestrate whatever circumstances are necessary to effect one’s will to change.

Once a full revelation of God is received in the ages to come (Eph. 2:7), men will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord just as Isaiah and Paul prophesied (Is. 45:21-25; Rom. 4:11; Ph. 2:9-11). Who would want to continue in active and persistent rebellion knowing God only wants what is best for them? Knowing the great goodness and love of God, along with the Holy Spirit working in their hearts, these hardened hearts must melt before His glorious being.

It is impossible that an omnipotent God can fail in His purpose so that some would forever resist unconditional love opting for everlasting pain. This would be totally irrational. And even if one were that irrational, such resistance would not arise out of a ‘free’ will, but an ‘enslaved’ will, a will in bondage to an enslaved mind.”

Believers in eternal torment will probably not want to have anything to do with this link, but others on this forum might.
Why not check it out?
Read the reviews first – just a suggestion.
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.hopebeyondhell.net/what-others-are-saying/">http://www.hopebeyondhell.net/what-others-are-saying/</a>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://hopebeyondhell.net/">http://hopebeyondhell.net/</a>
It can be downloaded FREE and read online.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.hopebeyondhell.net/audio-book-with-text/">http://www.hopebeyondhell.net/audio-book-with-text/</a>

In my opinion, this is the best book ever written in support of the belief that a literally (not interpretively) translated Bible teaches universal transformation, not eternal suffering, or even annihilation.
And I say that, after having read several dozens of them.

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