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Subject: Re: snippets from the hard copy universal reconciliation library of Rodger Tutt

Rodger Tutt (focused)
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Date Posted: 05:49:14 10/12/14 Sun


“Today every warden in the U.S. endorses the ideal of rehabilitation. Shall we say then that God is less reasonable than His creatures? No! God’s punishments exist not for vindictive suffering, but rather for remedy! Praise His Holy Name!

God works with a glorious end in view. We have viewed the judgments of God against sin and unrighteousness as the end, when in reality they are only a means to an end. The revelation of scriptural truth does not view God’s judgments in the ages to come as vindictive, as if to say that God is vengeful, implacable, and hateful against men (as all too often those who profess His Name appear to be!), This insight into God’s purposes in judgment rather declares that these judgments are remedial, that they exist to effect a positive divine end for everyone.

Christ died “to reconcile all unto Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross” Colossians 1:20. The all saving Cross of Christ will never give up its redeeming power till sin and sinner have no more a name among the creatures of God.”

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