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Date Posted: 10:35:27 05/29/09 Fri
Author: jeff
Subject: Re: still debating 19 or 23
In reply to: Bob Munzing 's message, "Re: still debating 19 or 23" on 09:22:14 05/29/09 Fri

>>announced earlier we may play 23 u however that may
>>depend if there's enough teams. Does anyone know how
>>many teams from GA are playing 19-u this year ? I
>>wasn't sure if kraze was 16 or a 19 year old team also
>>are there any teams from the douglasvile area that are
>>planning on playing at large tournaments such as seaa
>>world ? Last year teams like Illusion I'd never heard
>>of showed up and that was a pleasant surprise. We have
>>12 kids that can play however 2 of them would have to
>>play 23's what would you do ? Are there any teams
>>planning on playing in the 23's from GA ? Good luck
>>to all this season and thanks in advance ! Just trying
>>to make the best decision for our kids
>Hey Jeff, Hotshots will be there for SEAA. We are not
>sure ourselves whether to play 19 or 23. Kraze is
>still 16u and there haven't been any 19's this spring.
>There is a 19u out of Macon playing this weekend. I
>will keep in touch on where we are heading. Good luck
>and see you soon...Bob

Thanks Bob for the info you and your girls are first class. Thanks for letting me know what age division your going to play it will effect us on what we decide. I know Jiffy Burger will be playing 23 u out of tenn and I'm sure there will be others but if I knew you were playing 23's I'd honestly just committ to 23's now. We're not quite as strong as last year but we're still very competitive I think we'd be evenly matched were just trying to allow a couple of kids that played with us in 2006 and 2007 that really want to play the chance to play rather than picking up a couple of new players. Thanks again and good luck this weekend !

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