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Subject: New batch..

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Date Posted: 19:11:43 05/27/06 Sat

*Taking out a few of his prized cinderberries, Bayleef turns his head. *Hello!We need a new batch of bannana coco muffins, I really need some help.*Throwing on a slim apron, he darts over to the stone oven and open it up. Taking some flour and eggs from the pantry, he grabs his coco powder blaster and sets them on the table.*

*Cracking some eggs, he adds them in a clean bowl, and mixes well.throwing in some glower, he smooths out for a few minutes*Come on, lets bake!*

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OOC:Don't you mean flour?Also this is modern tec/ si-fi we're talking about not Redwall times. BIC:**Bushytail marches up to Bay.**Hi Bay.Sorry to dissapoint you but because I'm in charge of cocoa I must inform you that we strictly stick to super cocoa which is much stronger and contains spaz juice, hotroot pepper, and some secret ingrediants.**She carefully measures out and adds a half cup of her super cocoa.**Oh one last thing your blaster is not the latest tec so here.**She takes out a SCMLG(Super-Cocoa-Muffin Lasergun) 360 and hand lays it on the counter. (NT)Bushytail C. Squirrellygel Head of Cocoa and Muffin Science, Head of Cocoa Security, and Cocoa Commander20:07:30 05/27/06 Sat
*Snapping his fingers at his old tech, the bat takes the blaster and nods.*Thanks,I am too old tech for me own good..*Grabbing the new mix, he plops it in a bowl and stirs inn some eggs and water, rolling his eyes at the new recipe.* (NT)BAY11:39:38 06/07/06 Wed
Its not just a blaster.I finally combined the blaster with the lightsabor and MC 16.So it can be used as a lasergun, mini lightsabor, or machine gun.**She takes her own SCMLG360 and prooves that what she just said was true.She uses a cheese target to show all three functions and then puts it away.She then adds a few things to Bay's mix.** (NT)Bravo1319:00:56 06/07/06 Wed

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