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Date Posted: 11:22:04 10/31/11 Mon
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Halloween on Mongo (Mingoween)

Just to keep you posted, Halloween (Mingoween on Emperor Ming's Mongo) started yesterday with Mischief Day (and night). Mischief, in a fun, spirited way...per the Emperor's press release, took place. Bobbing for earth people took place in King Kala's octosak tank, the first 3 bobbers being the monkey men from the arena. Seems Flash Gordon though saved all of the earth people.

The High Priest had a fun time repeatedly striking the gong as Ming's minions tossed political prisoners and unruly servants into the sacred dragon's lair. Rumor has it Sgt.Time may have been amongst the doomed.

Tarnak from Mars visited and replaced some of the Mingweiser Light with a liquid mix from the reject batch from the nitron lamp...they played a sort of Mingo roulette. The winner received a bobble head of the emperior, the loser.....well, he just lost.

Some of the Zuggs from Saturn hitched a ride on an interplanetary time machine, and created mischief galore. They spoke English, Zuggian, and Saturnian.

The Fire People from the Forest of Mongo were somewhat out of their environment looking for vines to swing from and trees to climb.

Well, so much for this reporters brief report so far...if you have anything to add, please do so.

Tonight is the great affair in the tunnel of terror. It seems that much secrecy evolves around this...it is not being discussed much, and there is some uncertainty as to those invited and the agenda. This reporter will try to obtain so info next day or two...if you know, please report. In the meanwhile though, to all earthling, have a fun and safe Halloween. BOO!

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[> Re: Halloween on Mongo (Mingoween) -- Tim, 19:14:29 10/31/11 Mon [1]

I am looking forward to the big Tunnel of Terror Mingoween Bash, whatever it may entail!

I've pondered a number of possible costumes, from Hawkman to Lion Man to Clay Man, but those might not be prudent for Mingoween, nor would adding an "e" to my name and coming as Sergeant Time the Doomed One. Who wants to spend the day after a holiday on Gocko shovel duty!

I may just play it safe and come costumed as Officer Torch (or would that be impersonating an Officer?). The Tin Man of Oz said he had something I could wear.

Happy Mingoween!

Sergeant Tim

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[> Re: Halloween on Mongo (Mingoween) -- Officer Torch, 09:25:15 11/01/11 Tue [1]


-First some comments...seems a dummy resembling Sgt.Time was thrown into the gocko's lair. The crowd was wild and groggy owing to spiked punch with draughts of forgetfulness. Note: it is not allowed to attend an event such as this impersonating a respected man such as Officer Torch. He is so special that his armor was made of Mingonium, nearly impervious to small weapon attack. There was a man from Oz, imprisoned there awhile back for making an outfit of tin for Torch. The man from Oz was fed to the dragon. By the way,there are some outfits that are on clearance that did not sell if your interested in winding down activities today...mostly monster, animal outfits...Urso, orangupoid, a gocko sibling, Octosam, maybe a couple 2 men outfits, for the tigron and unicorn like horse..not much else.

Overheard Comments

-The hawkmen sleep on 3 legged stools.

-Aura never really cared for Barin, and family get togethers can be violent when Ming starts up.

-Ming's iconic "heh, heh" derived from (sort of) some celebrity on earth...perhaps from the late Red Buttons.

-In early days, when Mongo had plants, the gockos lived on the surface and were vegans, but became carnivores upon being captured and held captive in the underground caves.

-Ming wore a simple costume of black eyemask with horns. BUT, AND THIS IS A BIGGIE, A WOMAN WAS AT HIS SIDE IN SOME OUTFIT, FULLY MASKED, WHO HE INTRODUCED...AS HIS WIFE! AND MOTHER OF THEIR DAUGHTHER PRINCESS AURA. Here is something we wondered about for awhile...ie, is there a Mrs. Ming? or more appropriately, who might be the mother of Princess Aura. Are we to assume that Ming once went thru that 13th sound of the gong? This is most interesting, but she soon left and nothing was mentioned later. So, was there a Mrs. Ming? There you go, something to ponder.

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[> [> Re: Halloween on Mongo (Mingoween) -- Officer Torch, 09:12:48 11/02/11 Wed [1]

Well, the Mingoween party is officially over. Ming can be a prankster at times it seems. Moreover, there is now more uncertainty than ever if the woman next to Ming was indeed Mrs. Ming, or was he just creating a prank, for there were some rumors in the past that Princess Aura came from a test tube. So, questions remain regarding this issue, and are unlikely to be resolved soon.

Barin made no appearance at the affair. Both High Priests were in attendance costumed as Satan. Someone taped a sign saying "kick me" behind the the cackling one. He took a few hits to the delight of most attendees.

Some claymen showed up, one dressed as earth's popular Gumby, a few treemen were lost in the cave environment looking for vines...but a few enterprising participants at the affair set up small booths for haircuts and dental work. A linguist was also around with a Mingograph machine with reverse play function to help the Rock men update their speech. The Zuggs got better garments and eye exams.

Any other reports about this event are welcomed.

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