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Date Posted: 02:36:52 01/31/12 Tue
Author: Rick
Subject: FG Serial moments with Flash at his most physical in action

Take a pick where Flash was at his most physical in battle and please have fun and watch out for Sgt. Time and his treacherous tactics. Word has it that Ming recovered from a near-lethal poison attempt that Flash was blamed for last New Years Eve!


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[> Re: FG Serial moments with Flash at his most physical in action -- Officer Torch, 08:18:42 02/01/12 Wed [1]

Sometimes, rumors of interest resonate thru palace corridors. Here is one...likely around The Tournament of Death at Vultan's sky city, followed by what was to have been a celebration at Ming's palace, honoring FG and to select the bride of his choice along with freedom for his friends. Unbeknownst to very many, it seems rumor has it some Sgt. Time was involved also...rumor perhaps.

Recall that FG fought, won, and unmasked the "Mighty Swordsman of Mongo"...who turned out to be Prince Barin who gave a lame sounding story about fighting FG in the arena. Then, FG successfully battled the orangopoid, with Aura's help though. They then went to Ming's domain for the promised honors, but Ming, Aura, and the Crafty High Priest were up to no good.

A cocktail was prepared with wine, and pills and presented to FG and Barin in their quarters by a guard. Earlier, Aura drugged the wine per instructions from the High Priest so that they could pass thru the Tunnel of Terror and the Sacred Dragon's lair while it slept, until it awoke, when the High Priest struck the gong. He was traiterous to Princess Aura, but claimed to follow the Emperor's orders

When the dragon came as the guards carrying FG with Aura nearby saw the fire breathing dragon, most ran..except for Aura, and when FGs friends arrived, Zarkov had a grenade handy and seemingly blew the head off the dragon. Of course, the High Priest was upset. (Interestingly, there must have been more of such dragons though, since another we are told later renders Ming dead, according to the (not so trustworthy) High Priest.

Prior to this, it seems the night before, ie, the night when drugged wine with pills containing drops of forgetfulness were administered to FG and something to Barin as well, few know about the following...if true.

It seems Ming runs a tight kingdom. He is a hands-on kind of Emperor, we've seen this many times. Apparently, he also monitors the corridors, some tunnels, labs, often in an icognito manner, using a disguise...to keep close tabs on what's going on...such as rumors and the like. During one of his trips, he was disguised...saw the guard with the tray having the wine goblet for FG, and....well, he was given the goblet, drank some, then headed back to the throneroom and passed out.

The scientists brought him back, but said he was nearly poisoned...since he had consumed other beverages as well which would have an adverse reaction combined. It turns out it was Sgt. Time who handed Ming the wine goblet. Sgt.Time knew it was Ming, who asked the Sgt "what time is it" and some humorous banter followed, but Sgt.Time, it is now rumored made a serious attempt at Ming, who's found out about this rumor and will now aggressively hunt down Sgt.Time.

I wonder if Sgt. Time would dare to speak of this matter in the not too distant future.

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