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Date Posted: 10:08:44 10/18/12 Thu
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Re: Flash Gordon Hardcover Series, Volume One
In reply to: Tim 's message, "Flash Gordon Hardcover Series, Volume One" on 05:02:21 10/13/12 Sat

Hey Sgt.Tim: Word in the palace corridors has it that you may be in for a promotion to Lt. for this find, but we'll have to wait. Emperor Ming could fast track this, but I dunno, he's a bit iffy when confronted about this...but be positive anyway.

I don't know if some older books are still available, perhaps from the publisher, or eBay, Amazon or others. Some may be OOP hence costlier, and of collectible status. I'm referring to the 7 volume set from Checker Publishing which came out, peacemeal style, about 6 years back. They retailed then for about $15(US)to $21 per volume. I got them over the course of a couple years. Thought they were good. A tad inconvenient for me to store owing to landscape format, but Sunday comics by Alex Raymond....the panels were colorful, reasonably sharp and on decent quality paper. They may be tough to get now.

These new ones may be similar....they do look good from the reviews and ads. Might have been nice if they showed some more actual panels...maybe they're there somewhere, but I couldn't readily locate. They're not innexpensive it seems, similar to the Checker series some years back, but it's nice to know that the comics are still available from yet another source if desired.

I'm wondering if that FG movie will ever materialize. They mentioned 2012. To do it up right, it would need a hefty budget and careful planning to avoid losses such as John Carter. It would have to be more like Avatar perhaps, and long or in some trilogy format..if it is to follow the Alex Raymond comics. There's a lot of material there, whether you look at Checker, the old Kitchen Sink Press books, or in these new Titan publications.

I wish the latest publishers well. The Flash Gordon stories by Alex Raymond have endured and many many science fiction movies/stories have been based on them....and some of the material even became reality!...more or less.

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[> Re: Flash Gordon Hardcover Series, Volume One -- Tim, 20:18:59 10/18/12 Thu [1]

Lieutenant Tim, including the key to the Officers Club? Heady stuff, although the final decision rests with Emperor Ming of course!

You are right Officer Torch, there are not many panels from the new book to be found online. Below are a few links that each show one page or so.

I agree, the new books are not inexpensive, especially if you consider buying all four.

Volume 2 of the Titan series is titled Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo: The Complete Flash Gordon Library. It is scheduled for release on December 18, 2012.




Sergeant Tim

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