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Date Posted: 22:28:27 01/11/13 Fri
Author: Tim
Subject: Re: Officer Torch's Wonders & Captain Torch's Blunders...
In reply to: Rick 's message, "Officer Torch's Wonders & Captain Torch's Blunders..." on 03:27:46 01/11/13 Fri

In "Rocketing to Earth", chapter 13 of the first FG serial, Flash and his allies barricade themselves in Ming's lab, where Zarkov has electrified the door.

Emperor Ming: "Turn off the power that supplies electric energy to the laboratory."

Officer Torch: "Yes your Majesty!"

Shortly thereafter the power is cut, enabling Ming's soldiers to capture Flash and his friends. Officer Torch had once again performed his duty well.

This is the last exchange between Ming and Officer Torch, although Torch is later seen standing in the background (next to Thun!) in the Palace after Princess Aura has assumed the throne of Mongo.

Officer Torch makes no appearance in Trip to Mars except for flashbacks from the previous FG serial.

I cannot recall the actions (and blunders) of Captain Torch as well as those of Officer Torch. I need to watch Conquers the Universe again. However, I initially assumed Officer Torch and Captain Torch to be one and the same, but that is not the case.

Sergeant Tim

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[> [> Re: Officer Torch's Wonders & Captain Torch's Blunders... -- Rick, 00:52:37 01/21/13 Mon [1]

What became of Lt. Thong?


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[> [> Re: Officer Torch's Wonders & Captain Torch's Blunders... -- Officer Torch, 17:54:56 01/21/13 Mon [1]

There are rumors about Thong. He apparently escaped from Barin's prison, showed up later, picking up Ronal, Dale, Sonja, revived them from earlier gas bombing, and brought them to Ming's palace. He then appeared with Sonja to an angry Ming due to losses during a raid.

Ming's rant is tempered by Sonja's idea to administer a drug to the kidnapped Dale and suggests a switch for my nephew, Capt.Torch, still in Barin's prison in Arboria. Of course, Dale will have to be returned to Ming for an antidote to the drug. The swap is made.

As for Thong, there is speculation. Possibilities include: a) He perished along with others as the solarite Z-O ship struck the palace tower, b) he was the only one to escape using the way out, which Sudan indicated Ming wouldn't use since he'd be too terrified. If Thong made it out, then he may be missing and perhaps moved on, or c) nobody really knows.

Of course, we never really knew what happened to Ming in FGCTU..but there is speculation. Some say he used his magic, traveled to earth, had several positions, and wound up as Commandant in the Foreign Legion. He was tormented though by a pair known as Stan and Olie. But, there are gaps...perhaps Commander Rick can fill in, or possibly Ensign Dan might know something. Other theories are that he changed his appearance somewhat and appeared in other fare about Flash Gordon, especially in 1980.

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