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Date Posted: 14:00:54 01/14/13 Mon
Author: Tim
Subject: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970
This interview with Buster Crabbe was conducted September 30, 1970 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It runs a little over 23 minutes. Some of it is raw unedited footage, but overall it is very entertaining and informative.
Earlier in the year Buster Crabbe had been Guest of Honor at Multicon 70, a convention in Oklahoma City that took place June 18-21, 1970.
The interview footage includes Steve Barkett and Bill Blair. Blair (the one wearing the tie) was responsible for Buster's Tulsa visit. At the time he ran United Films, Inc, a film distribution company.
Bill Blair (1930-2006) turned his interest in films and film collecting into a vocation, starting United Films, Inc around 1960. In 1976 he founded Video Communications, Inc (VCI Entertainment), which still exists today.
The best part of the interview, in my opinion, runs from 13:00 until the end at 23:33. During those 10 minutes Buster discusses how he got the role of Flash Gordon, his views on the serials, the Hays Office, and his opinion of modern movies. He also talks about his appearance at Multicon 70 earlier that year.
Buster Crabbe, then age 62, seems very charismatic and confident, and like a nice gentleman. He preferred to be addressed as Buster rather than Mr Crabbe.
Buster Crabbe Interview (Tulsa, OK) 1970
Uploaded January 30, 2011
Running Time 23 Minutes, 33 Seconds
Sergeant Tim
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Re: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970 -- Officer Torch, 18:41:32 01/15/13 Tue [1]
Nice find......CAPTAIN TIM......I did not see this one. As you say, last 10 minutes pretty much the best part. Quite decent pix and sound for a local piece from 43years ago.
Congratulations on your promotion, which is effective immediately, Captain Tim.
from: Officer Torch
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Re: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970 -- Tim, 00:41:02 01/16/13 Wed [1]
My thanks to Emperor Ming! And to Officer Torch for facilitating my promotion!
An officer's commission means more Mingols to buy more Ming bobble heads. Not to mention access to the Officer's Club, which I understand is equipped with televisors.
Captain Tim
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Re: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970/ Your Promotion -- Officer Torch, 09:36:21 01/16/13 Wed [1]
Well, don't get overly excited....you see, here on Mongo, you will have to sign papers which have much fine print. You may get a few more Mingols, but it may bump you into a higher Mongo tax bracket. There is also often some ordeal type of questioning/event nowadays ..what, I don't know at this time. There are, of course, added responsibilities that goes with a promotion to such a position.
You will be able to get the (optional) key to the "Captains Table Club" which has a televisor, clean facilities, tournaments in fencing, seminars and the like. Cuisine is often imported: eg from Vultan's Sky City...poultry parts, fish from Kala's underwater kingdom including octopus, vegetation from Arboria, and non-alcoholic beverages. More potent wine is available at extra cost. Impressive ice sculptures from Frigia are on display also. Note: there is a cover charge for membership in the club. Many extras are also available (at additional cost).
Sometimes, promotions are turned down...but often at some peril, so I hope you'll accept the added responsibility of this assignment. A part of the "ordeal" is to search for new recruits from the general populace or to promote eg an ensign from within for palace guard duties. Well, just some preliminary info here...and do note that as a signing bonus, you will receive a deluxe bobble head of Emperor Ming to place in your newer quarters. If you've further questions, please ask, and I'll answer what I can.
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Re: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970/ Your Promotion -- Tim, 22:22:19 01/16/13 Wed [1]
The rewards for serving as an officer seem great indeed, and appear to outweigh the added responsibility.
There have been rumors that officers also have access to, at an additional cost, a remarkable High Priest/Gong alarm clock. The clock gong strikes once per hour, and repeatedly gongs when set to alarm at a given time.
Captain Tim
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Re: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970/ Your Promotion -- Officer Torch, 08:43:44 01/17/13 Thu [1]
Turns out your new quarters will be adjacent to the High Priest's Alarm Gong. (An ice dispensing machine is on the other side of your room.) There is a Mingol coin box in your room to set the gong to your desired wake-up time. As for the hourly gong part though, you will not be able to control it. You won't be able to stop it or control volume. It is controlled by The High Priest or Emperor Ming.
The system was recently installed, and has been dubbed "Big Mingo" by the locals. You may want to pack a set of sound reducing earplugs. Sometimes those newly promoted get this room, which may serve as a test of sorts. Sadly, one former candidate with a brilliant scientific mind went mad in that room, Jenda, and had to be assigned elsewhere. Think positive though.
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Re: Buster Crabbe Interview from 1970/ Your Promotion -- Tim, 13:44:38 01/20/13 Sun [1]
Oh yes, and Jenda may also have been affected by his long hours working in the laboratory to perfect the death dust.
A combination of Polarite and earplugs might have saved Jenda's brilliant mind.
Residing in what were formerly Jenda's quarters I must be sure to have an ample supply of earplugs, if I am to weather the "Big Mingo" officer initiation!
Captain Tim
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Re: Your Promotion-More Details -- Officer Torch, 17:18:19 01/20/13 Sun [1]
I neglected to also mention, your quarters down there can become quite warm, smokey, and insects are a problem especially flies (bring swatters and air fresheners).. odors can be overwhelming.
Also, a nightlight to avoid tripping over shovels thrown on the floor near your room. (Note: An unrepaired/ doorless rest room with plumbing issues is across the hallway from your quarters.) Since the gong is involved, your room is near the dragons abode. You may hear screams at times signalling a forfeit of unruly staff or those who lost favor with Ming.
Sadly, Jenda wore earplugs and had Polarite but to no avail. Don't be too concerned; I hear your room may be changed in 6 months. Bring extra Mingols for that coin op ice machine. Water down there can become warm and ice will certainly help.
Should you feel ill, Jenda is the assigned physician for that area. You should receive paperwork soon, a 5 Mingol sign-on bonus, and deluxe bobble head of Ming.
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