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Date Posted: 17:30:56 01/25/13 Fri
Author: Officer Torch
Calling Captain Tim
I suspected some inquiries/events would come eventually. Seems your quarters may be a testing ground of sorts, especially for checking loyalty to Emperor Ming. I think Jungle Man post and Comm. Rick's post re Lt. Thong somewhere may have jogged emperor a bit. Be careful in your responses. There may be consequences. (Take time if needed.) Feel upbeat though since a pre-owned rocket is being negotiated for you thru Tarnak's ZO Dealz. The ship needs work, but he has ace mechanic Zandar supervising a pair of Zuggs. You can see Rock It Faks upon pickup.
Emperor Ming asked: a)If you like your new quarters, b)What of the food/beverages, c)Is noise excessive? d)any complaints? He also wants to know if you'd mind a roomie for awhile. Seems Lt.Thong was wandering near moat around palace and talks jibberish almost non-stop, maybe just a temporary thing. Perhaps he came into contact with toxic material. Anyhow, Ming wishes to know his loyalty. The Emperor wants you to decide if Thong is still a loyal soldier, or should he be stripped of his rank and returned to the moat area, or otherwise. Thanks
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Re: Calling Captain Tim -- Tim, 04:28:13 02/01/13 Fri [1]
I am still studying the situation re Lt Thong, and will file a full report at a later date. Thong does seem wily at least, as when he escaped from an Arborian cell by pretending he was badly injured (according to Flash's account). Sonja later escapes from the same prison by pretending to hang herself. She then releases Captain Torch, the only one of the three who did not devise his own method of escape. I am not knocking the fine Captain, but he may not measure up to his predecessor and relative, the honorable Officer Torch.
I have no complaints about my new quarters, and am...adjusting to the daily servings of octopus.
A roommate would be an interesting turn of events, although I assume he would be one of similar rank, since officers do not traditionally share quarters with enlisted soldiers?
The Jungle Man post is difficult to explain, and there may be complications regarding the Father Jim of the same.
Captain Tim
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Re: Calling Captain Tim -- Tim, 20:38:38 02/01/13 Fri [1]
After viewing this event again recently, I see I may have sold Captain Torch short. There is an exchange of a tapping communication between Sonja and Captain Torch prior to her escape attempt. Could the fake hanging have been Captain Torch's idea?
Speaking of tapping, the tapping of the gong here in my new quarters is best described as...persistent!
Captain Tim
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Re: Calling Captain Tim -- Officer Torch, 08:18:11 02/04/13 Mon [1]
Though generally satisfied with your responses/comments, it seems Emperor Ming wants a bit more time to further evaluate you. He has decreed your stay be extended by 3 months. He seems pleased you're adjusting to your quarters and service. In fact, he plans to increase your portions of octopus (aka octosak). He interpreted that you enjoy it and Mongo has a surplus since FG slew one. Bon appetit!
Lt.Thong may share your quarters for awhile until the room adjacent to yours becomes available.(This usually occurs after the dragon's feeding time.) Jenda is presently trying a procedure/device on Thong and will release him soon. Don't be alarmed if his face appears odd for a few hours. Jenda says it "should" look normal some time later. If not, just call.
Ming was a tad upset about the the Father Jim remark concerning the Jungle Man post. He said the similar appearance was coincidental...I did not dare question him about the cast names shown. Suggest letting this one go for now.
Capt.Torch was tapping in code to Sonja simply to inquire if she had any snacks to perhaps toss over. Sadly, the Captain flunked the Code 101 course awhile back, so he botched up on his tapping.
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Calling Captain Tim, re Lt Thong -- Tim, 10:21:43 02/04/13 Mon [1]
I will keep an eye on Lt Thong re the results of Jenda's procedure/device. I am still charged with the duty of determining Thong's loyalty to our Emperor. After escaping from Arboria, both Captain Torch and Sonja reported hearing Flash Gordon remark "too bad Thong escaped. He'd have talked." Very suspicious.
I cannot recall if Thong was ever seen again after he helped exchange Dale and Ronal for Captain Torch.
I am also confused about Captain Sudan. He is the commander of Ming's palace guards, but seems most untrustworthy.
What might be common knowledge to seasoned officers may not be clear to recently promoted soldiers such as myself.
At some point Lt Thong may require private quarters, fully decorated with a high voltage rug.
The Father Jim post is part of the subterfuge to test the loyalty of Lt Thong.
Captain Tim
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Re: Calling Captain Tim, re..... Capt. Sudan -- Officer Torch, 13:12:04 02/04/13 Mon [1]
Whoa!... Emperor Ming wants you to clarify something before moving on. It is important. He said:
"Are we to understand Capt. Tim did not hear of or see our filming which shows Capt. Sudan as a traitor...loyal to Prince Barin, but not us?" I demand answers.
Capt. Tim....nobody wants this promotion project doomed, so please clarify. I'll support you so long as you provide a reasonable response. Be cautious not to offend fellow officers and soldiers. I'd like to think this is just an error in communications that can easily be resolved.
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Re: Calling Captain Tim, re..... Capt. Sudan -- Tim, 17:20:47 02/04/13 Mon [1]
Definitely a communication error! I am well aware of Captain Sudan's traitorous activities, including the saving of Flash and company from drowning by diverting the water. However, I admit I am unaware of the origins of Captain Sudan, and do not know why he is loyal to Prince Barin.
Please assure Sire Ming that such carelessness on my part will not happen again. I certainly have no desire to wind up back in the Sergeant's quarters, perhaps even rooming with Sergeant Time!
Captain Tim
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Re: Calling Captain Tim, re..... Capt. Sudan -- Tim, 18:16:48 02/04/13 Mon [1]
On more than one occasion Prince Barin remarks that Ming's palace guard, Captain Sudan, is still loyal to him (Barin). However, I cannot ascertain if Sudan had once been a guard for Prince Barin in some capacity.
Captain Tim
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Re: Calling Captain Tim....Good News -- Officer Torch, 18:47:16 02/04/13 Mon [1]
"Very well" as indicated by Emperor Ming, AND, owing to your honesty and straightforward response, His Majesty is removing 3 months from your stay "down there" near the dragon's lair. Additionally, you won't have to worry about Thong (or Jenda) and you can order your foods and beverages from a menu.
I've been informed that this was a part of your test, to see if this would break you down, or make you just babble nonsense and excuses, or remain silent. But, you stood up and handled matters properly. Ming says you will be "royally rewarded" in due course.
Actually, it seems Capt.Sudan was once loyal to Ming, but something caused him to change, and he sided with Barin. (Perhaps that Sgt.Time was involved, or not.) Should you be interested, there is an $1000 Mingol reward for info leading to those directly responsible. It's optional.
So, Capt. Tim, you should be out of those quarters in a couple months and have a ship to command. Stay out of trouble, congratulations...but keep in mind that Ming may still have an inquiry now and then.
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