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Date Posted: 16:54:14 03/24/13 Sun
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Re: Tarnak's Wheel of Treachery
In reply to: Rick 's message, "Tarnak's Wheel of Treachery" on 01:43:56 03/24/13 Sun

The Tarnak character in FGTTM, well played by Wheeler Oakman, was portrayed as a reasonably intelligent but treacherous, double crossing snake, liar, killer, a real bad guy. Interestingly, he was a supporting character often talked about by FG serial fans. His evilness was similar to the High Priest, but Tarnak was much more dangerous.

He was introduced to us as a Martian, seemingly with a strong knowledge of weaponry including the deadly Nitron Lamp. Tarnak seemed to be a double crosser early on. Seems he sided with Mongo's Ming (somehow now on Mars) moreso than he did with (serial) Martian Queen Azura. Tarnak did not particularly see to her welfare all that much....he seemed moreso Ming's minion.

When Azura passed on, and Ming took over control, FG and friends snuck up on Ming seated at what was Azura's throne. Zandar, partner in crime with Tarnak/Ming passed a ray gun to Ming who promptly threatened the Martians at court and spirited FG away. It seems Tarnak was perhaps involved double crossing his people, the Martians.

Later, Tarnak saw and heard Ming's true madness trying to destroy the earth and Mars placing the Nitron Lamp at full power. Tarnak was frightened, left and was taken prisoner by FG and friends. Tarnak said Ming was mad...FG believed him, and Ming was captured by FGs group.

FG says Ming deserved a trial in spite of wrong doings. Tarnak double crossed FG though taking Ming at gunpoint. He placed Ming in the disintegrating room, turns on power, and we are led to believe Ming is destroyed. FG and friends overpower Tarnak, turn power off, but say it's too late. Now, it seems Tarnak may have double crossed Ming! But one never knows with Ming if he capable of being destroyed?

I've lost count how many times Tarnak crossed people, friend or foe. We know there was another serial, and could have been a fourth. It's doubtful Ming expired in that "disintegrating room."

So, who really is Tarnak? In any case, a most interesting character played by a very good actor. Comments and/or speculation requested.

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[> [> Re: Tarnak's Treachery in the Powerhouse -- Rick, 01:56:12 03/26/13 Tue [1]


The series of events leading to where Ming exclaims:

"Nothing can save Flash Gordon now!"


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[> [> [> Re: Tarnak's Treachery in the Powerhouse -- Officer Torch, 10:45:27 03/27/13 Wed [1]

About halfway into FGTTM ...FG takes black sapphire of Kalu from Forest People and brings it to Azura's palace. He sneaks in from behind her throne, confronts her, and shows the sapphire he now holds. She is unable to use magic against him without holding the sapphire. Tarnak is not far from throne, but slips away.

Tarnak reports to Ming. They conspire. Later, FG sneaks up on Tarnak, seemingly at work in a lab, but knows FG is in the corridor as Ming watches thru a small trap door. FG asks Tarnak to reveal location of switch to turn Nitron Lamp off. Eventually, Tarnak directs FG to a room.

The room has machinery, a table with tools/parts in front of a large wheel, like a wheel of fortune but with a star amd decorative markings. FG does some foolish things...he tells Tarnak, You lied to me! Tarnak then uses low tech means while FGs back is turned and throws some object on FG knocking him down.

Ming/Tarnak power up the zapping machines sending sparks down on FG... but he obviously makes it thru this Chapter 8 cliffhanger. (Hmm...wonder if wheel is significant in some way. Seems to have a wire at its center. Or do we just say it's part of apparatus there.)

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