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Date Posted: 20:38:35 04/18/13 Thu
Author: Tim
Subject: Re: Familiar Sets from Universal Films
In reply to: Officer Torch 's message, "Familiar Sets from Universal Films" on 19:59:51 04/16/13 Tue

The staircase in FG '36 is the first thing I noticed as a familiar set when I watched the serial. It looks like the staircase in Bride of Frankenstein (1935), with the same twisting turn at the bottom. I know there are other sets used in multiple pictures, but it's the staircase that many fans seem to spot.

I was thinking that the staircase also appeared in Frankenstein (1931), but after taking a look I see it's not quite the same. The stairs in Frankenstein don't have the curvy turn at the bottom like those in Bride of Frankenstein and Flash Gordon.

In chapter two of FG, prospective bride Dale Arden is led down the stairs, with Ming behind, to the Tao idol for the marriage ceremony. In chapter three we see Flash and Thun running down some other stairs (but actually the same?) leading to the gong. Flash arrives just in time to prevent the 13th strike of the gong.

A few minutes later Flash carries Dale down the long staircase, with Thun behind. Flash and Thun fight with Ming's soldiers. At this point they are in the general area of the river tunnel and trap door, as Torch mentioned. In the storyline is this supposed to be a different staircase from the one seen earlier during the wedding procession? I assume it's a different area, since I didn't see the tipped over Tao statue nearby. Correct me if I am off base, as FG is so fast-paced that it's possible to get confused.

I don't remember seeing the stairs in Trip to Mars (1938), but I have watched FG '36 more times than the other serials. I will watch for them in a future viewing of Trip to Mars.

Captain Tim

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[> [> Re: Familiar Sets from Universal Films -- Tim, 21:07:49 04/18/13 Thu [1]

I just watched the two scenes again, and see that the same staircase set is used for two separate locations, so I have answered my own question. For the wedding scene there are torches at the base the stairs, which are not present a short time later when Flash and Thun battle Ming's men. The first set of stairs leads to Tao, the second set to the river tunnel and eventually to Kala's kingdom.


Captain Tim

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