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Date Posted: 14:32:25 11/05/07 Mon
Author: Rick
Subject: Ming and the Purple Death Dust

This weapon that Ming developed was truly a biological one, but I'd suppose the writers and Raymond didn't know how to classify it as one in that era. It's simply known as the death dust.

One impressive scene is when Jenda comes up from the laboratory and offers Ming a new variation to experiment with.


Ming: Now Jenda, what brings you up from my laboratories?

Jenda: To ask your permission Sire, to conduct a laboratory test upon these selected prisoners.

Gen Lupi: Your Majesty, I demand to know why I and and the thousands of others with me are held prisoners in your filthy concentration camps?

Ming: You plotted with your Queen Fria to refuse my demands. You meet the same fate as all those who oppose me. And now Jenda, what manner of test did you have in mind that requires the living subjects for experimentation?

Jenda: In your laboratory Sire, I have perfected the death dust.

Ming: Perfected? Heh. It is already capable of killing every living creature. Of depopulating the universe.

Jenda: That's just it Sire. At present it kills everything. Everybody.

Ming: Yes, go on.

Jenda: Wouldn't it be better Sire, if the Purple Death spared those millions of slaves to labor for you and killed only those with intelligence enough to oppose you?

Ming: You can name your own reward if you can prove this to me.

Jenda: Tonight, Sire. Tonight in the power room. I'll show you.

Ming: I'll be there.



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