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Date Posted: 23:54:29 10/09/06 Mon
Author: Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay 's message, "inside" on 23:46:31 10/09/06 Mon

(He felt the change in her mood as soon as she realized that he wasn't upset or worried.. and it drove him over the edge of reason. He'd been teetering on the edge of overwhelmed all along, but now his eyes darkened to a sable brown so dark they appeared black, and his hands moved to her hips, kneading the flesh there. The change that came over him was subtle, but it was written in the tension that lined his body and the soft sounds he made in his throat - sounds he wouldn't normally make had he been able to register anything. The only thing he seemed capable of focusing on at the moment was the woman draped over him, his own emotions and physical feelings were dropped away as irrelevant, the product of his disorder. His hands shook as he held her against him, his dark eyes remaining locked on hers and his lips moving under hers in a desperate manner.) My Shay.. my baby.. (He murmured back to her, incapable of more than heartfelt endearments. If anyone had dared come near them now, he would have gone off the handle.. and anything louder than their soft murmurs would have had him holding his head and howling in pain.. but this.. her tenderness.. it held him stuck in the limbo between chaos and sanity.)

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