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Date Posted: 16:02:09 12/13/06 Wed
Author: Kyr
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie 's message, "inside" on 15:52:19 12/13/06 Wed

(He went about tending to her as though it were the most natural thing in the world, not even realizing how attentive he was being until she kissed him from where he stood at the passenger door. He stilled, his eyes shifting up to meet hers and a slow smile spreading over his lips as he saw her expression. Yeah.. perhaps this would work out after all. If she could learn to let him take care of her and not to fear the level of committment he wanted.. well, he knew they could make it work. The love he felt for her at that moment nearly overwhelmed him, and had him lifting a hand to brush his knuckles softly over her cheek before leaning into kiss her more thoroughly for a moment. When he pulled back, his eyes were dark with awareness, and he let his hand brush over the swell of her stomach as he gazed at her.) Let's go home. (He said affectionately, warming to the idea instead of shying from it. He too wanted time to just be with her, lazy and uncaring of the outside world.. at least until he slipped away to go on his mission. On the bright side, it would make the time between now and the delivery of their baby seem to go a lot faster.. he hopped.. the suspense was killing him. He slipped away from her and shut the door before going around and climbing into the truck, starting it and putting it into drive. It was about time he went home with Haylie.. )

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