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Date Posted: 21:20:36 06/03/08 Tue
Author: Shay/Haylie
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy 's message, "Inside" on 23:14:52 05/25/08 Sun

She wasn't going to get involved in this in the least. She remembered all to clearly what it was like to be going through labor and to be a bit unhappy with the entire world. All to soon she would be going through it again. One hand rested on her stomach as she gazed at her best friend and her husband with quiet, slightly amused eyes - though her line of sight often wandered to the clock, silently praying that Kyr would make it there in time. The last thing that their friend needed was another mark against him in Haylie's book. Her eyes closed for a moment when Remy was defending himself and his actions, as if she was gathering the strength to argue with him but then she just sighed and opened her eyes, biting her lip as she looked up at the clock. "Ten minutes is enough time..." She murmured softly, pretty sure that she should be ok without her boyfriend for ten minutes but then another contraction hit, this time stronger and more persistant then the rest and suddenly she wasn't quite as sure. "Fucking A!" Her vulgarity wasn't that out of place coming from her lips but it was a bit loud in the quiet hospital hall, loud enough to bring a nurse in to check on her. A peek under the blanket and she was calling for the doctor who immediately informed her that it was time to be moved into the birthing room. As they were unlocking the wheels on the bed, her wide eyes turned to Remy and she started shaking her head. "Tell them that he won't be here for another seven minutes, Remy. Tell them." Because whatever Remy said pretty much went and if he only told the doctors that Kyrian needed more time to get there then the doctors would understand and do something to make sure this baby waited until it's daddy got there before sliding on out. "Remy, tell them!" Her voice was turning slightly frantic her grip on his hand tightening as another contraction hit.

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