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Date Posted: 06:36:13 03/20/13 Wed
Author: Ridge Sitter
Subject: Old Fashioned Day


Subject: "Old Fashioned DAY"

On Sunday June 2, 2013, the 24th annual Old Fashioned Day will be held at the Walker Valley Fire House. This event was started in 1990 at the 75th anniversary celebration of the Walker Valley Fire Company. Throughout the past 24 years, the theme of this non profit "Old Fashioned Day" with no admission charged has been to bring people of all ages together for a day of fun and relaxation to see exhibits and to participate in the events of days gone by. The event will be from 11 A.M. until 5 P.M.

Over the past 15 years, there has been a lot of interest from many people who wanted to become involved in this event. The event has expanded to become a "Community" event. Anyone interested in getting involved is asked to contact Richard Greer (744-2827). We welcome all suggestions and will need people to serve on committees such as:
• Advertisement
• Refreshments
• Firematic Events
• Old fashioned games
• Entertainment
• Participants in booths to demonstrate their "Old Fashioned" crafts, relics, antiques or wares.

We are looking for people interested in showing any "old fashioned" crafts or artifacts. There will be numerous exhibitors to demonstrate their crafts or explain their antiques or artifacts. We expect to have a blacksmith, wood carvers, dancers, Walker Valley Marching Band, quilters, Indian artifacts, fire companies showing equipment from old times to present, old time games such as 3 legged race, egg toss & hoop race.

Everyone is invited to attend the event wearing "Old Fashioned" clothes.

We have numerous individuals who will be bringing their antique artifacts and tools. They will be glad to explain how the equipment works.

We expect to have specific equipment ranging from the 1800's to the present to show the progress over the last century or so. Specific examples are clothes washing, cooking, woodcutting, ice cutting, woodworking, and farm equipment.

We have people bringing historic and old time photos, records and memorabilia they have collected. We welcome anyone to bring historic items to show. The Shawangunk / Gardiner Historic Society, Crawford Historic Society and the Cragsmoor Historic Society will be participating.

We are looking for some antique car enthusiasts to come to show their cars.

Raffle tickets will be sold to defray costs of the event.

Remember this event is free and we welcome people and organizations from throughout the area. Food will be sold basically at cost as in the past.

All are welcome. Bring the family and friends and plan on spending as much of the day as you wish. There will be scheduled activities throughout the day.

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